
Looking for mixing feedback on my new orchestral piece.

Started by May 07, 2015 02:23 AM
5 comments, last by Assaji Tjahjadi 9 years, 9 months ago

Hey, YoungProdigy here. I'm looking for critique on my orchestral piece. You can listen to it here:


I'm mainly looking for critique on my mixing and how I can improve it.

The idea is nice (sounds like it would be useful in a game), but you should use more quality sounds. The drums are pretty basic. It sounds more like a MIDI file. You have skills though. What software did you make it on so I can be fair in my critique.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.


The idea is nice (sounds like it would be useful in a game), but you should use more quality sounds. The drums are pretty basic. It sounds more like a MIDI file. You have skills though. What software did you make it on so I can be fair in my critique.

Thanks. I think in my case it's more the mixing that's the problem other than the sounds. I do agree that the samples could be better though. I used FL Studio to sequence it and samples from Sampletank 3.

If you used FL studio, then you are good. I haven't used that in years. I used to use Reason 4.0 when I had it, but I had a bunch of sample instruments. The new reason has VST support I believe (that was a plus for FL studio).

I remember I had to compose a whole orchestral piece using this one program that only let you lay down the notes on a staff. So, note by dote I had to create the song. It was a cool experience.

Now that I think about it, it would be nice if the engine I use had MIDI support, and let us switch out the tracks with our own sounds, or even re-arnage the MIDI file.

If you have an Apple device you can get some nice sound out of Garageband.

Anyhow. Good job. Keep doing what you do.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

You get a good bang for you buck with Sampletank. Lot of cool stuff in there and it's really cheap.

Hey there, YoungProdigy,

Right now, I feel like the mixing on this piece is a little rough. The EQ is decently balanced, and you've got a good mix of instruments covering a wide timbre spectrum. For me right now though, I feel like the reverb is too dry, and although there's a little panning going on, I really don't get a sense of the instruments being in separate locations. Can I ask what kind of reverb you're using here?


I use FL too and honestly I'm not really good at mixing and I had a friend to do the "final mixing" for me, but I think your track is good overall but I agree with comment above for dry reverb
at 0:13 you could add an instrument for transition :) about 2 beats before new bar.. well something to "hint" for new changes..

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