Thats like... your opinion man! (to quote the Duke)
Ellington ? Wayne?? Of Earl ? Iron ?
The Dude ... El Duderino... Your Dudeship...
Nooooooooo, I got it wrong... The Dude of course. How could I?
Yes, technical precision on recreating (simulating) some 'thing', but plenty of creativity possible with what you then DO with that thing.
ie- Realistic Auto Sim turned into Death Race 9000 or realistic Demolition Derby
+1 .... just because some "Game" Devs turn the Simulation genre into "F1 2015", "Flight Simulater 15" or "FIFA Soccer 15" yearly sequels which try first and foremost to reproduce a RL activity and then make that Simulation of this RL activity accessible to the general player via smart user interfaces (which, as said, need A LOT of creativity to get right) doesn't mean Simulation has to be that.
You could create a "Life on Mars" simulator... no matter if it simulates a day in the life of green lifeforms, or of human amateur astronauts shipped to mars without a return ticket, both could be called simulation. Heck, as much as I'd like to say the "Goat Simulator" doesn't deserve the name for the buggy joke it is (and a quite expensive one, though I guess some people got their moneys worth of entertainment out of it), calling it a simulator is not completly wrong.
In the end, according to Wiki a "Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time", which means the important part is to have a system running in the background that is emulating this function.
Any game with a physics engine running could be said to be a simulator... of course, the definition of the genre is different, but there is a simulation running in the game. If the game then happens to largely revolve around the results of this simulation, you COULD call it a simulator (Angry birds anyone :) )