The list is going well-
For finished game
Figure out the save and load bugs
Enter more mob data
Decide on some probabilities
Balance test
Decide on "safe zones"
Contact Nintendo about Dev-Kit
For Kickstarter
Finish first quest sequence
Redesign over-world map
Build two towns and one dungeon
Finish second quest sequence
Redesign game title
Commission mob sprites
Commission town tiles
Commission marketing art
Commission music and sfx
Design reward products
Update blog (regularly)
Write some tutorials on features I have successfully set up
Play test
Maintain good relationships with artists
That's a first draft, had to re-do it because I accomplished a few things over the weekend. The advice you have been giving is great, I am definitely in the stage where the things I do have less visual or mechanical pay-off than earlier in the project, so it does feel more like "work" now.
Fortunately I teach 3rd grade as my day-job, so there is always plenty to do if I need to not think about the project for a while!