it's RPG (mostly), but i don't know how to make one and how the upgrade tree works and how should i make it fun and other things in RPG games.
i've been a player for 38 years, and a ref and DM for 37 years. statements like this make me want to cry.
lemme see if i can keep this brief... i've been thinking of posting a blog entry on the topic....
a rpg lets the human player play some role other than themselves. the setting as to location and time period can be anything. real world, or fantasy or imaginary, or the far future or distant past. as creator of the rpg, its your job to define the rules of the "universe" you're going to simulate for the player to role play in. thus the reference to paper and pencil rules and a d20. levels, power ups, storyline, queist, and all those other stereotypes associated with rpg's are different designers takes on the "rules" for their universes. IE its how they model and simulate their game world. or at least it supposed to be. nowadays, folks don't undertsnd this, and think RPG rules are a well defined set f game mechanics, the way RTS's have "build building and units and destroy the other guys building and units", and side scrollers have "jump and shoot". unlike RTSs, side scrollers, tetris, etc, RPGs are not a set of game mechanics that it has been discovered makes for good entertainment. they are various attempts to model a game world. think in terms of how rpgs you are familiar with model this or that in the game. how do they model combat? experience? skills? and so on. don't think you can just pick game mechanics x,y,z,and w, and boom, i've got a fun RPG.