So today I was working on a new feature to my game and had a though that I would like to get some feedback on.
The project I'm working on is based on an RPG genre and deals with the leveling process or more the de-leveling process: Currently when a player dies in the game the game will take 25% of their Gold and Experience. If enough experience is take then a level down process is performed on the player using mostly random values. For now this works but here is the idea I'm thinking of implementing.
When the player level's up they will be given a number of points to add to their stats. Nothing new here. As the stats get updated I'm thinking of instead of just updating the numbers in the data structure that instead I clone the current levels and then adjust the new stats, in essence creating a new version of their stats. This way when a player goes down in level their character stats can then be reverted to the previous level numbers.
One reason I have been thinking about doing it this way is to prevent players from leveling de-leveling to try and gain more hit points because of the different in the random up and down process. I know another way to solve this would be instead of using random number just set the amount of hit point to be a constant value.
The couple of questions I now have though is if they go down in level would it be of value to keep the upper level's values or should I just dump the data and have the player go through the level process again when they reach their old level?
Does this add any value to the game design or is it just a waste of time?