Ok so i posted a little while ago (a week or two i can't remember) a topic and you guys helped me to decide which programming language to learn first, and thanks again for your help, but now i need help again with something else.
So, as i said before, i wanna get into developing games (2D games) and for that i read this tutorial http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/java/java.html, not all of it i just the things i thought will be of any use to me (i got to section 10 and then i stopped), and now i want to learn how to make games using Slick2D and LWJGL. What i wanna know is if you guys think i know enough to start getting to know how to work with Slick2D and how to make games in it, or i have to learn more (maybe more than in that tutorial is) to get to that point. And also is kind of hard to find really good tutorials on Slick2D but i found this
and i wanna also know if this is good for me or not. Just take a look if you have time and wanna help me and tell me if i should find another one or not and also if you guys know a good tutorial on java game development.
I'm sorry if this question is stupid but i am a noob .
P.S. There is playlist in which the videos on Slick starts a little later:D