TLDR: My major influences have consistently been games I played 4 years ago or less, how about you?
I saw an interesting discussion elsewhere about how much or little one's childhood affects one's adult artistic creations. So I'd like to know, are any of the games you played as a child or teen still inspirations for your current designs? If you are older than your twenties, are your current designs significantly different from what they were as a young adult?
Me, I started designing games as a hobby when I was about 19 (would have been 1999). At that time my major inspiration was Final Fantasy 7, which I had played the previous year. I was also interested in MMO design, though I'm not sure exactly which MMOs I had played by then. My oldest major inspirations at that point were E.V.O: The Search For Eden (1993) and Myst (1993), even though I had been playing various games since about 1985. A few of those older games were lingering as minor influences, like Invisible Bugs (1989). But mainly when I began designing none of my important influences were more than 6 years old; actually they were probably more like 5 years since I didn't play those two when they were new.
Currently, I'm 34. My oldest major influence on current designwork is probably Disgaea 1 (2003 release but I probably played it in 2006). (Again, I don't know which MMO I played which year, so I should exclude them). But anyway the point is that all of my major influences were replaced, and at no time have I been heavily influenced by a game I played more than 9 years ago; most major influences are games I played 4 years ago or less. How about you all? Is my 'gamer memory' unusually short or are you all mainly influenced by games you've played in the past 4 years also?