My name is Garens, and I would hereby ask you to help me with a quite big project I got myself into.
The basic premise is a Hack 'n' Slash game with dungeon crawling elements. I have the game not at all fleshed out at the moment - that's why I'm asking for your help.
I have managed to make up 50-odd enemies and would need a lot more. Also a plot would be nice.
If you think that I have not worked on the thing, you would be wrong. I just don't wish to disclose any information on a public forum especially when the project is in its extremely infant stages.
So, if you think you can make up enemies with a set of rules and in a way that they all have a gimmick (think DMC series apart from the new one) then please, let me know. I will of course have to ask you some (stupidly easy) questions and ask you not to disclose of my materials. Besides that I am pleased to give you the whole design document (Currently 15 pages and will swell to around 20 when I copy ideas from my project bank) and you are free to criticise anything.
Mainly however I'm in desperate need of someone who can help me with making up some enemies. The 50-odd ones are the ones I'm satisfied with but I feel myself getting more and more copy-cat about them from other games. That is a problem. I want really unique enemies (around 200 of them) and am at the point where I need someone else to help me out with it.
I can give you nothing at the moment, so I don't think many people will help, but if you are the kind of person who would help me for free or for feelings go nuts!
What you need to apply (may be a strong word, maybe just HELP)
-Fantasy orientation
Thank you for your time. I appreciate you reading this thing and if you decide to help me, you will have to bear my eternal thankfulness.