
Braynzar Soft tutorials

Started by April 25, 2015 03:26 PM
-1 comments, last by iedoc 9 years, 4 months ago
So I've been thinking recently about maybe rewriting the tutorials on my site which focus on directx.

The way I've done it before was writing the whole program in one cpp file, so that they would be focused solely on what the tutorial was trying to get across, without jumping around classes. The other reason why I had done it that way was because there's unlimited ways to lay out the classes of an api, and there's really no right way of doing it, as long as it dies what it needs.

I've had pretty much only positive reviews of doing it this way, but I have had plenty of requests to write them in a more structured way, using classes and ending with a graphics api.

So just curious what anybodies thoughts are on either way. Rastertek writes his tutorials where you end up with an api, whereas braynzarsoft writes them focusing on only the task at hand.

By the way, it really is a big maybe that I write any more tutorials, just because I don't get anything out of them except doing them for fun.

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