
Better names for these concepts (SF)

Started by April 01, 2015 02:47 PM
6 comments, last by Lailokken 9 years, 10 months ago

The usual stuff, I have some names for certain things and I don't like these too much and look for better ones :D

The ones I look for to replace are inside " ". Also, these should coexist well with others.

The theme is an old bureaucratic space empire.

"planetary defences" - it's a set of installations on planet surface capable of enganging ships (so it takes part in the spece battle that takes place on the orbir rather than defend the planet from ground invasion

"militia" (actually that one is probably perfect, but I will list it for consistency) - civilians that defend the planet from the ground invasion

"imperial infantry" - ground forces (infantry mostly, maybe some heavier stuff too) that defend the planet from the ground invasion (so kind like a territorial army)

"storm troopers/shock troopers" - ground forces used for attacking an enemy planet after your fleet has taken control of the orbit (planetary defence installations are down) (so kind like an expeditionary army), it's a bit of an elite formation (definitelly better equipped than the territorial army)

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Planetary Defences -> The Ring/The Sphere

Imperial Infantry -> The Shield/Shield Troopers/The Guard/Guardsmen/Defenders

They could have lines like, “The Shield must stay strong,” “Defenders of Earth/Planet X,” etc.

Storm Troopers/Shock Troopers -> Attackers/Infantry/Attack Force

Militia -> Militia/Armed Civilians/Civilian Defenders

I would argue that it's first and foremost important to pinpoint the role of your units with a name as simply and clearly as possible. Very pragmatically. For complex units this may require writing actual phrases. From there you can use flavor language to simplify further, and/or fit the thematic of the faction and game.

For example, from Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, the basic Infantry unit:

Infantry -> G.I. (for the Allied faction)

Infantry -> Recruit (for the Soviet faction)

As for using “flavor” to simplify, a special unique unit from the same game:

fast mechanical drone that can kill infantry in one hit and attach itself to vehicles to destroy them from seemingly within -> Terror Drone

Considering the Theme

Planetary Defences - Asset Guard

Militia - Draft or alternatively Draft Assembly

Imperial Infantry - Retinue

Storm/Shock Troopers - SRDT or in long form Strategical Rapidly Deployable Troops

Maybe call territorial army "Infantry" and invasion army "Mobile Infantry" or "Space Infantry"? What you think?

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

I think Infantry and Space Infantry are perfect as far as functionality goes. I feel the word infantry lacks some flavor, though. Hmmmm, let's see.

Soldier -> Space Soldier

Marine -> Space Marine

G.I. -> Space G.I.

Gunslinger -> Spaceslinger(?)

Droid -> Space Droid

Android -> Space Droid

Recruit -> Space Recruit

Cadet -> Space Cadet

Ewok -> Space Ewok (okay, not really :) )

Goblin -> Space Goblin (if you want to bring in some fantasy?)

Dragon -> Space Dragon


Just some brainstorming. You can easily replace the word infantry with anything like that now, and the roles are still pretty clear, which is great. Because now the functionality is clear, and you can focus only on what flavor you want for your game—serious, silly, cute, scary, drunk ... :cool:

I would also suggest using the word "Unit".

Also some more suggestions for names:

Spacebourne Ground Strike Unit - "Spacebourne" signifies that it is by default garrisoned on a spaceship and whereever their spaceship goes, they will go also. "Ground Strike" signifies that this unit is specialized on offensive actions on the ground of a planet.

Spacebourne Ground Defense Unit - Like the above, but is specialized on defense. They are basically these units that one can easily moved within the empire. These Spacebourne Defense Units are basiacally the first units to respond - they are those who come very fast to stall the enemy long enough for the cavalry to arrive. Strike unit would be that cavalry.

Spacebourne Space Strike Unit - Space Strike Units are specialized in neutralizing spaceships. They can assault a ship and board and/or destroy it from within. They also man the fighter jets.

Spacebourne Space Defence Unit - Units who are specialized in protecting spaceships. They are those who will fight off any boarders and attackers.

Groundbourne Ground Strike Unit - Only thing that is different from Spacebourne Ground Strike Unit is that those units are permanently stationed on the ground. They have weaker training, but they have faster recruitment speed, since they can always draft more amongst the locals.

Groundbourne Ground Defence Unit - self apparent from the naming convention.

Groundbourne Space Strike Unit - Stationed on planet, but are good at attacking fleets on the orbit. They usually support the Spacebourne Space Strike Units.

Groundbourne Space Defence Unit - Stationed on planet. They defend obviously. They shoot missiles at enemies. They man the anti-air turrets on the ground. They deply tactical energy shields where neccesary. They are basically anti-air, plus anti-space.


Spacebourne Ground Strike Unit
Too long :( Won't fit on the interface.

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

The usual stuff, I have some names for certain things and I don't like these too much and look for better ones biggrin.png

The ones I look for to replace are inside " ". Also, these should coexist well with others.

The theme is an old bureaucratic space empire.

"planetary defences" - it's a set of installations on planet surface capable of enganging ships (so it takes part in the spece battle that takes place on the orbir rather than defend the planet from ground invasion

"militia" (actually that one is probably perfect, but I will list it for consistency) - civilians that defend the planet from the ground invasion

"imperial infantry" - ground forces (infantry mostly, maybe some heavier stuff too) that defend the planet from the ground invasion (so kind like a territorial army)

"storm troopers/shock troopers" - ground forces used for attacking an enemy planet after your fleet has taken control of the orbit (planetary defence installations are down) (so kind like an expeditionary army), it's a bit of an elite formation (definitelly better equipped than the territorial army)

  • "planetary defenses" = Galactic Operations
  • "militia" = Civilian Task Force
  • "imperial infantry" = Terrestrial Defender
  • "storm troopers" = Celestial Enforcer

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision --Helen Keller

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