To sum it up/clean it up a bit.
- I don't want logistics, even if it's interesting :) But I could go for abstracted/very high level logistics (like "supply points").
- I don't want separate "design a ship" (especially if it means redesigning all ship types every time you get +1 to toilet paper dispensers)
- I don't want "sizes of hulls", each hull is of predefined size (frigate, destroyer, battleship)
- Each hull is unique and has special abilities (there are like 15-20 total, and I could easily invent more, actually had to restrain myself here :))
- Generation of ships is a must I think... First you build Falcon I, then Falcon II and you can't retrofit/modernize to newer generation, you have to scrap these old ones and build new ones (but how new generation is unlocked?)
- Some sort of strightforward upgrade system is needed (+1, +2, +3)
- Some sort of customization system is needed (armour vs speed, accuracy vs rate of fire, laser beam vs torpedoes, reactive armour vs deflector armour)
I think fondly of (but not sure how to make these):
- modular construction, like you build the hull and then somehow attach to it big components (like weapon type, reactor, armour)
- your scientists "designing components", like they invent a new twin gun laser (better than previous twin laser), so actually these components are like completely separate products (a ship is made of: 1x hull, 3x small turrets, 2x big turrets, 1x scanners, 1x reactor), but how exactly it should work... Especially when you build (shipyard) only hull and no components (I don't really have a heart to make the player build these separately and force to keep track what is needed in what proportions)
Player researches new tech, any ships created from then on get new tech automaticly, any old ships get retrofitted in-space, but after a delay depending on how far out from the empire's center they are, but auto-update instantly next time they visit a planet with a shipyard.
I'm liking that one more and more :)
One thing, I don't want to encourage "moving squadrons around for retrofit", it would be useless micro most of the time. Maybe like that, each turn 10% of ships in a squadron are retrofited as long as the squadron was not fighting enemy this turn (in which case it's only 1%) but no less than 1 ship (so eventually all are retrofited).
Then you would have "% of ships retrofited with X component" stat on the ship/hull type screen (I guess I would have to track each upgrade per individual ship, but that's not a terrible problem - except for display/interface since due to the amount of ships listing every single one would be unfeasible, need some sort of aggregated stats).
You can give a player plenty of customization through research: choosing better damage or better accuracy should still impact the game differently. And modules can be made researchable as well; by opening up the option to install a (usefull)module the player's fleet-capabilities still progresses in the game. So only seperated things if you want them to be.
Hmmm, like you have techs like "+2 to damage", "+10% to hit"?