Guys, I'm starting to study game development but I'm already a programmer (Android, HTML/CSS, JS and a little of Java and C#).
My question is about the areas of work in the industry..
My objective is not to make a game on my own, but train to get on a AAA developer. But I don't know exactly how all the possible areas work in coding.
I know the options (add more if I forgot any) and I know the basics, but nothing that makes me decide one. In real life, on a AAA game development how this works? I know that are plenty of people for each of them..
AI; [NPCs actions]
Gameplay; [Player actions]
Tools; [Trisselation, Filters...]
Engine; [Don't know for sure, but I think that's something with build an platform to run design and code together]
Physics; [Colisions...]
Environment; [State of the world like weather, day/night cycle...]
Network; [Connectivity and Multiplayer]
and UI; [How information about the game is presented to the player]
I'm mistaken about anything (or everything)?
I'm 23, a bit old for start this career, so I want some direction to follow and don't lose much time studding something to find that is not for me. Or perhaps this is the only way to know what I want for sure.
Is there any book that explains more detailed or site, or someone who knows more about these?
I'm sorry for my english and if I wasn't clear.. Thanks in advance for everyone who at least read this.