
How can I improve my game graphics? Feedback is much appreciated :)

Started by March 22, 2015 01:32 PM
3 comments, last by riuthamus 9 years, 6 months ago


I recently started working on a new game, it's a platform game in 2D.

I've been working on it for the past 2 days but I'm not satisfied with the graphics.

I attached a screen shot of the game. I tried everything but I don't have enough "artistic" knowledge to make it look good.

Any suggestion to improve it would be greatly appreciated.


PS. I'm not a native english speaker so please forgive me if I made some grammar mistakes smile.png

Play a few games similar in style to the way you want your game to look. You will get all sorts of ideas.

Also, color theory...

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.


I wonder if you could render 3D assets into smaller 2D assets that could be fitted into a 2D tile set. I think smaller devices such as mobile phone, and mobile games are less than a 1024 by 1024 space, so your pixel resolution is limited. Some detail may be lost in the process.

I have an example for you:


This tree was originally rendered out to 3k, by 3k. Camera position is set to it's side so it will only render detail from the side, and thus imitate a 2D asset.

Please note: This tree is a preexisting asset in my visor. I did not create it, I only rendered it to give you an example.

This is only an idea. I have no idea if it would actually work. You might be able to modify such assets rendered in 3D to a 2D image format such as BMP, PNG, TIF, or PSD in whatever program you use. Using a software like Photoshop, or Gimp would also be useful in reducing the size of, and modifying any special effects of 3D rendered 2D assets.

Other objects like terrain, structures, vehicles, weapons, and character or NPC assets might also be rendered in 3D, and then added to your game as a 2D asset.

Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for all the answers.
I watched that video and I found it very useful.
Thanks drudger for those ideas, I will try to include them in the game.

The major issue with the graphics I see is the lighting. You could work to improve your understanding of lighting which will help the look of the game. Furthermore, you can try to limit your number of colors per object. Pick the color you wish to use as the base for that texture/model and select a higher and lower value. ONLY create colors using those 3 values . This will help your work look less busy and will really make you focus on the concept of lighting.

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