Hey Everyone, I'm here to discuss an idea in regards to MMorpg's. As the majority of developers are aware, the market is essentially saturated, yes there is a large player-base but the majority of players are reluctant to play a new game, as they've already invested so much time and possibly money into the experience.
I've been thinking a lot recently about how the achieve a sustainable player level in theory, as I don't have the resources to solo a project that size, and anyone who thinks they do, fair play. Okay so, the main idea I have is simply to allow the "importing" of existing players stats into the game from another, where the stats are similar. For example if Player_1 has a Sword-Fighting skill of 100 let's say and he chooses to join this world, we have similar sword fighting stats and the systems are somewhat comparable, allow his stats to carry over, perhaps not fully or not without consequence, but essentially not getting rid of his invested time within the existing online world.
Originality and Creativity are hard to come by, and essentially a gamble in the online market, people do not like change and are reluctant to do so in many cases, not to say they do not exist by a long shot, just to say they are uncommon.
Personally I'd be interested to hear feedback on the subject just for my own notes and research, thanks in advance.