
Aiming to create an ARPG. Any tips?

Started by March 14, 2015 01:17 AM
2 comments, last by Zedmonkeyboy 9 years, 9 months ago

I dabbled a bit in C++ a year or so ago, but it felt archaic and confusing at times. So I ended up not going through with it.

Really motivated to try my hand at creating a game again, and here I am.

Any videos / resources that you guys would suggest? Trying to find a way to make the learning process as not-boring as possible. Really discouraging to be reading some black-and-white tutorial or listen to some monotone professor type guy lecture me about the code. Hard to stay motivated, if that's understandable.

The FAQ said C# and Python are good languages to start with, but I'm open to being geared towards something else.

ARPG being a hack-and-slash, Diablo style game.

I recently started learning C# and have found it a good language to get into. That said, I do have a programming background so the learning curve isn't as steep for me. But it's definitely an easier language than C++.

For C# resources, I'm using the following:

Beginning Game Programming with C# - This is a course on Coursera teaching C# and XNA 4.0. The course has already started (we're in week 3), but you can probably still sign up.

RB Whitaker's XNA Tutorials - Various tutorials on C# and XNA 4.0.

Monogame Tutorials - Tutorials using Monogame (an updated project to continue XNA development) and C#

HandMade Hero series - This is a video series chronicling the complete coding of a video game. While the game is written in C++, I tend to watch it for the various explanations of game mechanics and design. There is a LOT of good knowledge to be found in this series which can be applied to games in various genres, regardless of programming language.

Now you do mention wanting to make the learning process "as not-boring as possible". I'm not sure what qualifies as boring to you, but the reality is not all programming is fun and glamorous. In my experience, there is a lot of tedium and even frustration. The fun parts is finally getting something work properly after spending 5 or 6 hours tinkering with it. And you'll need to get used to tutorials; there is no avoiding learning from them.

That said, as an alternative, you might want to consider skipping learning a language from scratch and starting with a game engine like Unity. It will probably get you up and running a lot faster as a result, keep you more engaged.

To be honest coding for games is a lot of code and very little game. Yes you'll get to have the game come together, yes you'll be able to manipulate it and make it what you want, that is rewarding of course, especially getting to play it. But its like building a house, if you just like the idea of living in a house you're not necessarily going to want to learn the billion skills required to build one. Unless you find some joy in the process involved you're likely going to hate coding.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be a downer or mr. negative but if even learning the basics is boring to you, you're going to have a lot of trouble. You also need an extreme amount of patience, you might get stuck for hours on something really simplistic that just isn't working right and the answer may take forever to figure out.

You also need an extreme amount of patience, you might get stuck for hours on something really simplistic that just isn't working right and the answer may take forever to figure out.

Look I agree, I been trying to teach myself to code for a while now with lots of jumping to different languages, I worked out that it doesn't help to keep chopping and changing, find a language your comfortable with and stick to it, everyones different. I'm currently learning Java and I got stuck on while loops trying to do an exercise from the book, it took me two hours and a lot of tweaking and research but I did it. I would have given up, had it not been that I really want to build my game, I'm just saying if you don't have something driving you, your not going to get very far. If you love the project you're working towards you won't care how hard the road is, you might have a few bumps along the way but don't give up.

This article on Gamasutra helped me alot.

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