I'm sorry but it is NOT the way to go. Your advise is like - "so you want a driving license? Good, first you have to learn how to build a car and make one yourself".
Be careful about giving poor advice. Your analogy is not accurate. It would be more like "so you want to learn how to build cars? First you can learn how the various parts of a car work".
Data Structructures are a fundamental concept, and beginners that wish to do any non-trivial level of Game Programming should be learning them. Simple ones like linked lists, stacks, queues and different trees are small and concise enough to implement that they are a great tool for learning a language.
Of course they do not need to be learned, and you should give your reccomendation on how to start, but blantantly saying a certain method is wrong is doing a disservice to many.
I would make this analogy more along the lines of:
"So you want to learn to drive? You first must learn about the different types of roads you are allowed to use. A highway will get you there faster, but use more fuel, whereas a side road will get you there slower but use less fuel."
Read this as, in computing terms:
"So, you want to learn to store data? You must first learn about the different ways of doing this. A linked list will allow for fast insertion and deletion of items, but no way to access an element immediately by its indicies, and an array will allow for quick access to an item by its index, but no inexpensive way to insert or delete items from the list".
Nowhere in there was there any mention of:
"So, you want to learn to drive a car? Well, you'll be driving them on a road, but it helps to know that a road is a flat surface made from asphalt which is commonly composed of 5% asphalt/bitumen cement and 95% aggregates (stone, sand, and gravel). Due to its highly viscous nature, asphalt/bitumen cement must be heated so it can be mixed with the aggregates at the asphalt mixing plant..."
I'm sure you understand what i'm trying to say here, an understanding of how the different data structures behave is neccessary, knowing how to create them, for anyone but C++ library developers, is generally not required these days.
That's my story, and i'm sticking to it. :)