You seem to know about this (OO = OOP?, Object Oriented Programing?), I'll note all you said and give it another read when I have a proper understanding of this subject, because at the moment I'm having a hard time understanding all that, but thanks again!, any useful information is always welcome
Sorry, dude, sometimes I get ahead of myself and forget to make sense in my posts ;)
Yes, OO = OOP... I like to drop the P as Object Orientation is IMO only really used in programming anyway, but yeah, it is the same thing.
The other things I was talking about is the way Unity likes to handle things, which is component based programming:
You have GameObjects as your base Game Entities, like for example a player character, or a vehicle, or a gun. Or a camera....
This GameObject has Components that are attached to it... like the graphical mesh, or a mouse controller script, or a locomotion script.
This GameObject - Components relationship is not REALLY OOP... it is a different way of tackling the same problem. It is not bad at all, it actually makes a ton of sense in a game engine like Unity.
Its just that C# is an OOP language, and for someone that worked in OOP for a long time, the shift to Component base programming and using both things in parallel can be quite confusing. And its good for newbies that understand enough to start worrying about such things to know about both worlds and be able to distinguish them.
But don't worry if doesn't make much sense to you now. Just start programming and learn the language, all other things will make sense over time.