
How do I know if I'm an intermediateprogramming level?

Started by February 24, 2015 11:45 PM
32 comments, last by swiftcoder 9 years, 9 months ago

I had an Epiphany on this subject.

If you can count the errors you have made in your programming language then your not a master.

I had an Epiphany on this subject.

If you can count the errors you have made in your programming language then your not a master.

Sadly the reverse of that doesn't work. Many people cannot count their errors and also are not a master.


think deeper the more errors you make the closer to master you get.

Seniority doesn't just come from learning the basics of a language, it also comes from actually completing software development projects. Notice that I said "completed" and not something like "unfinished projects" or "projects in progress"? I have certainly learned the most from completed project, either solo or part of a team, and when you have a few of these completed projects under your belt professionally then that is when you can start ranking yourself as intermediate or whatever.

"Finished" doesn't always make sense in large scale projects. Some large scale projects like banking software and corporate accounting software are never "Finished" and live in a permanent state of development.

"vectors" is a subject in physics not computer science, nor programming, the way i know it.

"Vectors in computer science". The original poster is very likely referring to vectors in the second sense listed, but as you can see the label actually refers to quite a number of relevant topics.

It's usage in mathematics is also directly applicable.

- Jason Astle-Adams

"vectors" is a subject in physics not computer science, nor programming, the way i know it.

"Vectors in computer science". The original poster is very likely referring to vectors in the second sense listed, but as you can see the label actually refers to quite a number of relevant topics.

It's usage in mathematics is also directly applicable.

Ok, "one dimensional array", i did not see that coming.


It's a thread about C++ programming, so OP is referring to std::vector specifically.

It's a thread about C++ programming, so OP is referring to std::vector specifically.

Yes I am indeed

My idea of an intermediate programmer would be one who can efficiently put an idea to working code without relying on references to books, internet or help. Meaning that the person has a good enough understanding of their chosen language to be able to work on their own and also recognises their limits.


"vectors" is a subject in physics not computer science, nor programming, the way i know it. But they are useful in game design, so wth.

about your question; it really seems to depend on what you mean by intermediate. I'd call you an advanced programmer, in comparison to a novice programmer who's still messing around with basics.

Obviously a beginner and hasn't made it to the Standard Template Library yet. LOL ;)

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