I just watched Get Lamp the other day, wicked dock on the old adventure games. It's got members of infocom talking, fans, and others. They go over adventure, Zork, and some other stuff. It's pretty neat.
I decided to make an RPG modelled after a d20 style table top.
I've got a couple issues in my code though. Trying to track them down.
When my player picks a gender I get output for male twice no matter which gender they pick.
Somewhere along the line I get in an infinite loop which deosn't let me get to the last part of my code....
If you're too lazy to help find the loop I get caught in, maybe just have a peek at the gender selection code...
Gender Pick Code
Case 2
'Pick Gender'
If hero.Gender = "" Then
While hero.Gender = ""
If command = "" Then
output_text.AppendText("It didn't come " + hero.return_pronounmod("his/her", "l") + " mind right away. Choose a gender: male or female." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
'' Test for male as gender selection
For Each synonym As String In synonyms.male
If Regex.IsMatch("\b" + command + "\b", synonym) Then
hero.Gender = "male"
output_text.AppendText("Yes, a male. He groaned a little from unknown pain. His body seared with a crushing numbness." + vbNewLine)
End If
'' Test for female as gender selection
For Each synonym As String In synonyms.female
If hero.Gender = "" Then
If Regex.IsMatch("\b" + command + "\b", synonym) Then
hero.Gender = "female"
output_text.AppendText("Yes, a female. She groaned a little from unknown pain. Her body seared with a crushing numbness." + vbNewLine)
End If
End If
End If
End While
output_text.AppendText("Srengths, weaknesses, what were they? Press the enter button to roll stats." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 3
Exit Sub
output_text.AppendText("Srengths, weaknesses, what were they? Press the enter button to roll stats." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 3
End If
Entire Bit
Public Sub run_command()
command = input_text.Text.ToLower
input_text.Text = ""
If runOption = "new game" Then
''Start of new game.
If playercreation.creationStep = 0 Then
output_text.Selection.Text = ""
End If
Select playercreation.creationStep
Case 0
output_text.AppendText("A pounding headache blocked all recognition of a name. Maybe it would come. It had to. Enter a name below." + vbNewLine + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 1
Case 1
While hero.Name = ""
// Check entered name for empty value
If command = "" Then
output_text.AppendText("Thinking harder might have helped. Please enter a name." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
// Check entered name for numbers.
ElseIf command.Length > 12 Then
output_text.AppendText("No, it can't be, it must have been less than 12 letters..." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
'' Check for whitespace
ElseIf Regex.IsMatch(command, "\s") Then
output_text.AppendText("No, it was only one word...")
Exit Sub
'' Check for numbers
ElseIf Regex.IsMatch(command, numberPattern) Then
output_text.AppendText("No, there were no numbers in it." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Regex.IsMatch(command, "\W") Then
output_text.AppendText("It couldn't have been. Surely there were no strange symbols in it." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
'' The entered name is accepted.
hero.Name = command
End If
End While
output_text.AppendText("Gender raced through " + hero.Name + "'s " + "mind. Male or female?" + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 2
Case 2
'Pick Gender'
If hero.Gender = "" Then
While hero.Gender = ""
If command = "" Then
output_text.AppendText("It didn't come " + hero.return_pronounmod("his/her", "l") + " mind right away. Choose a gender: male or female." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
'' Test for male as gender selection
For Each synonym As String In synonyms.male
If Regex.IsMatch("\b" + command + "\b", synonym) Then
hero.Gender = "male"
output_text.AppendText("Yes, a male. He groaned a little from unknown pain. His body seared with a crushing numbness." + vbNewLine)
End If
'' Test for female as gender selection
For Each synonym As String In synonyms.female
If hero.Gender = "" Then
If Regex.IsMatch("\b" + command + "\b", synonym) Then
hero.Gender = "female"
output_text.AppendText("Yes, a female. She groaned a little from unknown pain. Her body seared with a crushing numbness." + vbNewLine)
End If
End If
End If
End While
output_text.AppendText("Srengths, weaknesses, what were they? Press the enter button to roll stats." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 3
Exit Sub
output_text.AppendText("Srengths, weaknesses, what were they? Press the enter button to roll stats." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 3
End If
Case 3
output_text.Selection.Text = ""
//Rolling of the stats.
hero.Str = roller.roll_dice("d6", 3)
roller.Roll = 0
hero.Wis = roller.roll_dice("d6", 3)
roller.Roll = 0
hero.Int = roller.roll_dice("d6", 3)
roller.Roll = 0
hero.Dex = roller.roll_dice("d6", 3)
roller.Roll = 0
hero.Con = roller.roll_dice("d6", 3)
roller.Roll = 0
hero.Cha = roller.roll_dice("d6", 3)
roller.Roll = 0
output_text.AppendText("Strength: " + hero.Str.ToString() + vbNewLine + vbNewLine)
output_text.AppendText("Wisdom: " + hero.Wis.ToString() + vbNewLine)
output_text.AppendText("Inteligence: " + hero.Int.ToString() + vbNewLine)
output_text.AppendText("Dexterity: " + hero.Dex.ToString() + vbNewLine)
output_text.AppendText("Constitution: " + hero.Con.ToString() + vbNewLine)
output_text.AppendText("Charisma: " + hero.Cha.ToString() + vbNewLine)
output_text.AppendText("Do you like these stats? No, or roll, to re-roll. Yes to keep." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 4
Case 4
// Get response for stats
If command = "no" Or command = "n" Or command = "roll" Or command = "rol" Or command = "reroll" Or command = "re-roll" Then
playercreation.creationStep = 3
ElseIf command = "yes" Or command = "y" Or command.Contains("keep") Then
playercreation.creationStep = 5
output_text.AppendText("Add 1 bonus point to any stat: Strength, Wisdom, Intelligence, Dexterity, Contitution, Charisma." + vbNewLine)
output_text.AppendText("Please type yes to keep the current stats or, no to re-roll." + vbNewLine)
End If
Case 5
If command = "" Then
output_text.AppendText("Please choose a stat to add a bonus point to." + vbNewLine)
Select Case command
Case "Strength", "str"
If hero.Str < 18 Then
hero.Str = hero.Str + 1
playercreation.addedBonus = True
output_text.AppendText("Added 1 point to strength." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 6
output_text.AppendText("18 is the maximum score for strength." + vbNewLine)
End If
Case "wisdom", "wis"
If hero.Wis < 18 Then
hero.Wis = hero.Wis + 1
playercreation.addedBonus = True
output_text.AppendText("Added 1 point to wisdom." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 6
output_text.AppendText("18 is the maximum score for wisdom." + vbNewLine)
End If
Case "intelligence", "int"
If hero.Int < 18 Then
hero.Int = hero.Int + 1
playercreation.addedBonus = True
output_text.AppendText("Added 1 point to intelligence." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 6
output_text.AppendText("18 is the maximum score for intelligence." + vbNewLine)
End If
Case "dexterity", "dex"
If hero.Dex < 18 Then
hero.Dex = hero.Dex + 1
playercreation.addedBonus = True
output_text.AppendText("Added 1 point to dexterity." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 6
output_text.AppendText("18 is the maximum score for dexterity." + vbNewLine)
End If
Case "constitution", "con"
If hero.Con < 18 Then
hero.Con = hero.Con + 1
playercreation.addedBonus = True
output_text.AppendText("Added 1 point to constitution." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 6
output_text.AppendText("18 is the maximum score for constitution." + vbNewLine)
End If
Case "charisma", "cha"
If hero.Cha < 18 Then
hero.Con = hero.Con + 1
playercreation.addedBonus = True
output_text.AppendText("Added 1 point to charisma." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 6
output_text.AppendText("18 is the maximum score for charisma." + vbNewLine)
End If
End Select
End If
Case 6
If playercreation.addedBonus = False Then
playercreation.creationStep = 5
End If
''Choose player class.
output_text.AppendText("What path did " + hero.Name + " follow? There were many: cleric, fighter, sorcerer, thief." + vbNewLine)
playercreation.creationStep = 7
Case 7
While hero.CharClass = ""
If command = "" Then
output_text.AppendText("Choose a class." + vbNewLine)
ElseIf command = "cleric" Or command = "c" Then
If hero.Wis > 9 Then
hero.CharClass = "cleric"
output_text.AppendText("Yes, " + hero.return_pronounmod("he/she", "l") + " was a healer." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
output_text.AppendText(hero.Name + "'s " + "wisdom score is too low to be a cleric.")
End If
ElseIf command = "fighter" Or command = "f" Then
If hero.Str > 9 Then
hero.CharClass = "fighter"
output_text.AppendText("Yes, " + hero.return_pronounmod("he/she", "l") + " was a warrior." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
output_text.AppendText(hero.Name + "'s " + "strength is too low to be a fighter.")
End If
ElseIf command = "sorcerer" Or command = "s" Then
If hero.Int > 9 Then
hero.CharClass = "sorcerer"
output_text.AppendText("Yes, " + hero.return_pronounmod("he/she", "l") + " was trained in the arcane arts." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
output_text.AppendText(hero.Name + "'s " + "intelligence was too low to be a sorcerer.")
End If
ElseIf command = "thief" Or command = "t" Then
If hero.Dex > 9 Then
hero.CharClass = "thief"
output_text.AppendText("Yes, " + hero.return_pronounmod("he/she", "l") + " was a cunning thief." + vbNewLine)
Exit Sub
output_text.AppendText(hero.Name + "'s " + "Dexterity is too low to be a thief.")
End If
End If
End While
playercreation.creationStep = 7
Case 7
// Set the player's expirience bonus
MsgBox("Creation Step: " + playercreation.creationStep)
Select Case hero.CharClass
Case "cleric"
Select Case hero.Wis
Case 13
hero.ExpBonus = 0.05
output_text.AppendText("Gains 5% bonus to exp in battle.")
Case 16 - 18
hero.ExpBonus = 0.1
output_text.AppendText("Gains 10% bonus to exp in battle.")
End Select
Case "fighter"
Select Case hero.Str
Case 13
hero.ExpBonus = 0.05
output_text.AppendText("Gains 5% bonus to exp in battle.")
Case 16 - 18
hero.ExpBonus = 0.1
output_text.AppendText("Gains 10% bonus to exp in battle.")
End Select
Case "sorcerer"
Select Case hero.Int
Case 13
hero.ExpBonus = 0.05
output_text.AppendText("Gains 5% bonus to exp in battle.")
Case 16 - 18
hero.ExpBonus = 0.1
output_text.AppendText("Gains 10% bonus to exp in battle.")
End Select
Case "theif"
Select Case hero.Dex
Case 13
hero.ExpBonus = 0.05
output_text.AppendText("Gains 5% bonus to exp in battle.")
Case 16 - 18
hero.ExpBonus = 0.1
output_text.AppendText("Gains 10% bonus to exp in battle.")
End Select
playercreation.creationStep = 8
Case 8
// Set Players level, base attack bonus = 1, hit dice, and roll for hp.
// Set Players save and throws, Set skill points, set amount of weapon feats
// Set special abilities, set equipment restrictions
Select Case hero.CharClass
Case "cleric"
hero.Level = 1
hero.HitDice = "1d6"
roller.roll_dice("1d6", 1)
hero.Hp = roller.Roll
roller.Roll = 0
hero.BaseAttackBonus = 1
hero.SkillPoints = 4
hero.WeaponFeatsAvailable = 2
hero.add_special_ability("turn undead")
hero.add_equipment_restriction("organic only")
hero.add_savingthrow("death ray/poison", 11)
hero.add_savingthrow("magic wands", 12)
hero.add_savingthrow("peralysis/petrify", 14)
hero.add_savingthrow("breath weapon", 16)
hero.add_savingthrow("rod / staff / spell", 15)
Case "fighter"
hero.Level = 1
hero.HitDice = "1d8"
roller.roll_dice("1d8", 1)
hero.Hp = roller.Roll
roller.Roll = 0
hero.BaseAttackBonus = 1
hero.SkillPoints = 4
hero.WeaponFeatsAvailable = 4
hero.add_savingthrow("death ray/poison", 12)
hero.add_savingthrow("magic wands", 13)
hero.add_savingthrow("peralysis/petrify", 14)
hero.add_savingthrow("breath weapon", 15)
hero.add_savingthrow("rod / staff / spell", 16)
Case "sorcerer"
hero.Level = 1
hero.HitDice = "1d4"
roller.roll_dice("1d4", 1)
hero.Hp = roller.Roll
roller.Roll = 0
hero.BaseAttackBonus = 1
hero.SkillPoints = 4
hero.WeaponFeatsAvailable = 2
hero.add_savingthrow("death ray/poison", 13)
hero.add_savingthrow("magic wands", 14)
hero.add_savingthrow("peralysis/petrify", 13)
hero.add_savingthrow("breath weapon", 16)
hero.add_savingthrow("rod / staff / spell", 15)
Case "thief"
hero.Level = 1
hero.HitDice = "1d4"
roller.roll_dice("1d4", 1)
hero.Hp = roller.Roll
roller.Roll = 0
hero.BaseAttackBonus = 1
hero.SkillPoints = 4
hero.WeaponFeatsAvailable = 2
hero.add_equipment_restriction("one handed")
hero.add_special_ability("sneak attack")
hero.add_special_ability("open locks")
hero.add_special_ability("find traps")
hero.add_special_ability("remove traps")
hero.add_special_ability("pick pockets")
hero.add_savingthrow("death ray/poison", 12)
hero.add_savingthrow("magic wands", 13)
hero.add_savingthrow("peralysis/petrify", 14)
hero.add_savingthrow("breath weapon", 15)
hero.add_savingthrow("rod / staff / spell", 16)
End Select
playercreation.creationStep = 9
End Select
Case 9
// Pick weapon feats
output_text.AppendText("What weapons was " + hero.Name + " skilled in?" + vbNewLine _
+ "Choose " + hero.WeaponFeatsAvailable + " from the list below.")
// This ends player creation
End Select
//End Check for if new game run option
ElseIf runOption = "load game" Then
// Start of load game
End If
End Sub