Im making a rougelike with permadeath and want to make replacing the savedata harder (a little bit) to prevent backing up the game state. Its a simple binary file and i dont need encryption.
NOTE: i dont want serverside solutions or to discuss why i want to prevent savegame backup.
1. Just name the save "sound.bak" or something. Really simple but also very easy to "crack"!
2. Save the data so some silly folder like "C:/appdata/flashdata/fakecompany/sound.bak". But ugly to create folder on the users computer and what if this folder is cleaned out (since its not supposed to be affiliated with the game)? Then the user will loose the progress.
3. Save a timestamp to the savefile and keep a registry of the timestamps somewhere. If the savefile is replaced they will mismatch and you can refuse to load that savegame. But if the player backups the registry then? Which means i have to "hide" the registry file as well.
4. Similar to no3 but using windows registry for some timestamp check. Would this improve anything?
5. Any way to just make the file itself harder to see in the folders?
What would you suggest? Or something else? Im aware a cracker would find a workaround in minutes but i just wanna make it less tempting for an average player.