
Request for feedback on prototype: Dark Mines

Started by February 16, 2015 10:27 PM
-1 comments, last by N=1 10 years ago

Project: Dark Mines

Dark Mines is a roguelike game where you play as a miner who searches a series of caves for gold ore while doding traps and foes. The caves are randomly generated and the idea behind the project is to build up to an epic game with an epic storyline. But for now I'm sticking to the advice of Extra Credits and I'd like to invite people to have a look at my first version, which is sort of the minimum viable product.

This means that this is an extremely basic version of the game. It works, has dangers and rewards, but is far from complete.

I'm open to any feedback. Can you get it to work on your machine? Is it any fun to play? What did you enjoy and what did you hate? This is the first time releasing a game for me so all feedback is useful, even if it just to say that it doesn't run on your mobile phone (which it doesn't smile.png).

I have a small blog on the development of this game:

Running the game

The game is written in Java so you needs Java to run. Fortunately I have made a version that includes an embedded version of Java. But if you do have Java then the download is very much smaller...

Option 1: "". Unzip and double click the jar to run it. (You have Java installed)
Option 2: "". Unzip somewhere and click "darkmines.exe" to run. (Windows only)

Legal: the game is provided under the beerware license. It contains code of JGame which uses the BSD license. No intentional bad things are in this software, but use at own risk. Full license: here


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