I'm looking to learn Cocos2D for a potential job, but I'm having trouble finding some decent resources. I have the following books as a starting point:
COCOS2d-X by Example Beginner's Guide
COCOS2d-X Game Development Essentials
Learning Cocos2D: A Hands-on Guide to Building iOS Games with Cocos2D, Box2D, and Chipmunk
What are some good websites, books, and other tutorials that you would recommend? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
Good resources for learning Cocos2D
Which version of Cocos2D do you need for the interview.
The original version of Cocos2d is now called cocos2d-iphone and is an Objective C framework (This one is still called just Cocos2D by most people).
Cocos2D-X is a C++ framework
The official Cocos2D framework is now a javascript framework.
There are many other spin off and versions (I think there is also Swift, Java, Flash and Python versions), so it is difficult to point you in the right direction without knowing which one you need.
Cocos2d by Example is good because it shows almost full games.
Cocos2d cookbook is good because it shows you a few pretty cool features and effects that you don't use all the time but can pick out for individual games.
The job listing only says to be "a rock star" in Cocos2D. Not very descriptive! I'm not sure if learning all of them is wise, but I'll give it a shot! I take care of my father 24/7 (after a stroke) so I have lots of time. Also, out of curiosity, do I need to own an iPhone to learn this? So not a fan (and I already have a Droid).
This is from the listing:
What You Will Be Doing- You'll be working either as a full-time employer or as a contractor developing games with Cocos2D
What You Need for this Position
- Substantial experience with Cocos2D