
$1 could help me attend college. please help

Started by February 07, 2015 08:16 AM
0 comments, last by jbadams 9 years, 7 months ago

The Story

Hi my name is paolo. we are poor and cant afford college. Last few weeks I started a fundraiser to attend college but on that I was asking for all school expenses it was too much for someone to give atleast $1 so I was sad no one donated. Thank God a university let me attend classes (BSIT Bachelor of Science in Information Technology) for free and pay after I finish and finally get a job. But they will of course not be covering any other expenses than that. I'm hoping to aggregate $800 for a 2nd hand computer and to be able to pay for an internet service provider. I cant submit myself without these mediums. every bit helps! I owe you everything! just please let me attend college. Please.

Here is the [LINK REMOVED] everybit helps.

This is not the place for you to beg for money -- especially given you're not a regularly contributing member of the community. You might instead try social media or any other communities in which you have been more involved if this sort of thing is usually allowed there.

Your university should provide access to facilities including computers and internet access if relevant to your course; although it is helpful to have access to these at home it isn't a necessity. Good luck with your course and expenses. smile.png

- Jason Astle-Adams

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