Okay, I was looking at methods of enhancing my marketing and monetization strategies, more specifically, what it takes to get your game/app featured in a given distribution channel, rather than send it to various websites, put it up on steam, then hope and prey that it works. Also considering analytics and I've been reading up on google's documentation, information videos and success stories, while trying to be as realistic as possible about the entire thing.
In my search, I came across these links:
Now, they have a rather steep price tag, especially for an indie who may be working a day job making sandwiches. Although I can afford it easily, I'm not one to just jump on anything that I think will magically make my game successful in a great sense of desperation, but I wonder how many of you would or would not recommend paying for such information? It's easy to turn away such things based on the price tag, but at the same time, you never know what bit of information can make the difference between success and failure.
Although I'm on the fence, I'm open to all optimistic and pessimistic views (I'm almost strictly pessimistic for most things).