Thank you for your replies. I guess I have to start reading the game design books and articles and continue what I love, playing games, but this time to analyze them as well
Do you recommend I start learning how to use Unreal Engine for example? I really like the games made with it.
Well, as a Game Developer you really need to understand some basic concepts... one of them is:
The quality of the games made with an engine has almost NOTHING to do with the quality of the engine itself!
Graphics Quality, Runtime Performance, Physics.... can be horrible or very good, even if built with the same engine.
This is where the artists and programmers work their magic. Even with a rather crappy engine, a good programmer can make the game run fine performance wise, and a good artist can make the game look pretty good even with crap shaders and all.
So the quality of game buil with Unreal shouldn't be the reason to use it...
With that out of the way, yes, Unreal Engine 4 would be one of my 2 recommendations for an affordable 3D Engine at the moment, with Unity being the other one. Both have certain Pros and Cons, and Unity will only really achieve technical parity to UE 4 with Unity 5 (which is in Beta currently), but the main Pros and Cons:
- Unity has a free version, UE4 is sub based, so you need to spend at least 20$ to get it.
- Unity free version lacks some high end features which you might not need in the beginning, UE4 can be had feature complete with full source (which you certainly cannot use without some serious programming skills, and most probably never will need anyway) for 20$
- Unity Pro costs 1500$ per seat, but this is only needed if you need all bells and whistles or make a certain amount of money with your games.
- On the flip side, UE 4 will take a 5% cut above 50k$ you make with your game. Unity has no royalities involved.
So TL;DR: Unity starts at 0$, but with features cut. UE4 start at 20$ (add 20$ for each time you need an update, as this is a monthly sub), but is feature complete for that.
Both engines have large communities behind them, and at least Unity has a thriving asset store where you can get all kind of assets and plugins for money (or sometimes free) to help you with your game. Both have a very active development and lots of tutorials, and for Unity you will also find quite some books for newbies published.
Be warned though: learning game dev, even with the help of an engine, is no easy task. Baby Steps!
Best is to concentrate on lower levels first, before you download the engine and dive in head first. Get a good book on engine archtitecture, learn about 3D / 2D Graphics (depending what interests you most), and see if you can get a programming primer somewhere.
you CAN make your first steps inside the engine with all that, of course. But you now get the added complication that you need to learn the Engine Editor GUI, the quirks and specialities of the engine, so your progress in learning programming or the basics of graphics might be slowed down...
On the other hand, you learn how to use the engine, so again, there are Pros and Cons.
Really, none of the options I listed is very expensive, so you could just go ahead, download, and give it a try. Find a good tutorial, and "jump out of the nest" so to say :)
Just don't expect anything spectacular for the first few tries...