Thanks Tom for your feedback. I do agree, let's discuss the game design concept.
The main character of the game is an avatar. The kid can select from a range of characters, such a human , monster (cute way), animals or fictional types. The idea in the selection is the kid to identify with an avatar and finds it fun. The kid will be the owner of the avatar and can interact with him as standalone and play with it at a village of avatars. The avatar evolution will depend on the inputs the user makes about its eating habits and fitness activities done.
The character and player interaction
The avatars can be dressed, colored, educated (new skills, features to use in the village) . We want to add cool features that can keep the kid engaged on improving its avatar. Selection of clothing, fun props, tools to used in the village and teaching skills to support other Avatars. The option to have accessibility to some of these features will depend on the kids inputs as they eat healthier options or decide to make exercise or get involved on fitness activities. We have the discussion about the inputs control to avoid the kid bypassing the system, so we need to establish a link with the parent and orient the inputs with guidance of the parents (but not involved at all with the Avatar development). This could be done by requesting a parents email when the avatar is created. The email is only to keep the parent involved with the game concept, so we can send an initiation email of what we want to achieve and how they can support. We do not intent to have a continuous feedback of the kids development with the parent at this stage.
In order to keep the game attractive, some of the features of the avatar and the village will be accessible free. If free, it will take time to have them available (days, weeks), hence there is always possible to speed this up by improving your eating and exercise inputs.
Also we thought that to keep the game momentum changes to the avatar and village (Described bellow) will need to happen when the kid is not playing. The idea is that every time the kids return to the game, he realized that something new in the village happen or that its avatar learn a new healthy eating tip from another Avatar member, or that new clothing , props are available for use.
In case the kids makes a poor eating selection (that for sure they will) we do not intend to make the avatar worse. The idea is always a positive reinforcement of the good decisions.
The avatars will live in a community that will involve other players avatars. The community is a fictional town that had different attractions to go and play at. We thought about including a school, a fun activities house, a disco dancing house, a mini avatar Olympics and a grocery store for the entry level access . More can be access as your avatar improve, hence it will be accessible only for healthier avatars.
The access to the houses will be free but others will remain locked. The locked one access will depend on the evolution of the avatar and or tools, props acquired as the kid makes healthier selections.
At the village interaction among users happen and skills can be used on other avatars. For example, the avatars will be able to transfer tips- recommendations (like "instead of a Soda, I select natural juice or water at school") to other avatars, that the kid could read once he gets back to the game. The transfer of tips will come with a improvement on the avatar, such as temporary color changes or new props or tools that will expire within days. The idea is to create the network interaction, give the users the taste of new tools so that the make an effort to gain them.
Many of this interaction can happen when the users at not playing so that when the pick up back the game the y have news about their hometown, new members that they can give to and get points and news of the most recent houses available at other levels.
Other ongoing discussions
The timing for playing: We want this avatar community app to be a supporting tool, hence not create a game that keeps the kid at home for long period when instead we could be at the park or doing exercise. Hence, we might think to restrict the playing time or constraint the access by answering the questions : " Could you be playing outside or doing exercise instead of playing now? Remember, it is always better to choose activities that makes you stronger!, we can wait until you return! Go champ, the Avatars"
Well, that is sort of the skeleton of our idea. Any feedback is valuable, we want to reinforce / change it based on your expertise.