Pocket Space Empire
Change the title. It sounds like a casual, mobile game which could be played by your grandma. If your target audience is more like the strategy nerd, due to the complex mechanism, then change the title to something more seriously.
since many stuff was cut down or replaced with simplier versions.
Be careful, although you removed a lot of stuff, it could be still a very complex game. If you analyse existing games, you often see a very low level of game mechanism.
What is your target audience, a casual player or niche player who seeks some new interesting niche game ?
lightweight, fastpaced, no micromanagement, epic scale, turn based, space empire builder
lightweight vs epic scale ?
fastpaced vs turn based ?
Is it really lightweight and fastpaced ? As developer you often loose the abiltiy to evaluate your own game, what seems simple and fast paces for the 'all-knowning' developer could be a very hard, tough,complex and slow game for a player. Let other play your game first, let them evaluate it.