Now, I love RTS games.. after the Civ series they are probably my most played game type (although TF2 probably redressed the balance a bit) but I am wondering where some of you people have managed to get rose tinted glasses on bulk order from?
My experience of (older) RTS games tends to consist of one of two initial paths;
1) Build small rush army to send at other base
2) Build small defensive army to deal with initial rush
At which point you then tend to settle into a case of can I hold my line to get my better weapons out before his smaller ones crush me or can I break his line while tech'ing up to delay his better weapons.
Games like Total Annihilation, Sup Com and Dawn Of War simply become a meat grinder of who can last the longest before a flaw in the defense was found. Other games aren't much different, you just have the joy of defending/attacking resource harvesting to try and disrupt your opponent.
In games like Company Of Heroes, which at least has some small base defense to start with to discourage the initial rush, can get bogged down with a mass of weak units attacking quickly and disrupting your own build up at low cost to the enemy. (In CoH this is basically flame thrower equipped engineers who are cheap but can mess you up quickly).
Even in the modern 4X games the 'strategy' tends to be little more than 'find area with resource <x> and control it asap' based on race. Taking Sins Of A Solar Empire, for example, if I know my race happens to require a heavy metal bias then I'll logically grab planets with metal resources as a higher priority. After that you can build towards a mixed fleet based around a few capital ships and play a game of 'can my fleet out mass the enemy'.
(As a side note on RUSE; I played it when it first came out and I had a 100% win record vs humans. How? Build marines quickly. Send marines into woods. Wait for enemy units to come past. Blow them away. Walk into base. Bluffing simply wasn't a good plan which kinda kills the whole 'ruse' aspect of it.)
That's not to say through all this I think the games are bad, it just seems people are a little rose tinted
![:) smile.png](
Also, RUSE aside, the games I've mentioned with their flaws I also loved at the time. DoW and expansions burned a lot of my time online, TA and Sup Com the same and Sins continues to from time to time.
Of the newer breed of RTS games I'm a large fan of the Wargame series which removes base building and instead makes land control your income and does force a degree of strategy (after the initial 'arrgggh...' as everyone rushes to setup choke points and capture land) when it comes to how you deal with attacking and defending areas. (Although the recent ships expansion has slightly unbalanced that vs AI at least as you can just call in a massive ship and lolcake all over their faces with it's ranged cannons...).
Gun to my head however I have to say my favourite game in this general sphere was, and remains, Ground Control. Not only was it a tactical game but it removed my biggest bugbear which was 'lol as many people for this meat grinder as we need' aspect of games, instead forcing you to only work with what you took into the mission. Nexus: The Jupiter Incident is another example of this style of game which to a degree I prefer as you have to be a bit more careful with your units knowing that when they are gone they are gone.