Hey all, this is my first post here
I am originally a blender user, as it's free (and I'm a poor student), and have made the transition to Zbrush some time ago.
Over the last couple of months I've gotten really into Zbrush, after getting past the initial hurdles. Finally I've reached a stage where I'm confident at making 3D character models using Zbrush, but thus far I haven't been able to get past the sculpting.
I really want to use blender to create the low poly mesh or do that in Zbrush (I dont have any other software nor money to buy the software that most people would recommend), but I'm at a couple of million polygons on most of my characters, and blender doesn't handle that amount too well.
I really liked the control blender gave me over the UV maps for example, but AFAIK zbrush generates them automatically, and I don't want that.
tl;dr I have several high resolution Zbrush characters which I want to build normal mapped, game ready models with, how should I approach this?
Examples of my work for the curious (and to show off a little ;) ):
http://gyazo.com/dcb968094bf807ef04084c40e7df9e0c (finished sculpt, what now?)
http://gyazo.com/8c6f9dba6135b104f19955ca7f0c52b3 (almost done)