I'm looking for an editor that could support intellisense, compiling against my exported script members etc...
I'm on windows and using visual studio 2013. Can this be accomplished, or even an external editor with this functionality.
Thanks much
You could write the relevant xml syntax highlighting and intellisense files for notepad++ if you have the time. It is a programmer's editor rather than a full blown ide but I find that for most tasks it does most jobs very well.
Edit: there is this too, it is for older versions of visual studio. Having not tried it in 2012 or 2013 i can't say if it works or not, maybe it can be adapted?
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I was also looking for code completion, not just syntax highlighting, I think I'm reaching a bit for that though.
I've been working on a Qt based GUI, but so far it only supports script file loading/saving and compiling, and support for engine configuration loading. It has no syntax highlighting at the moment. I'm planning to release it sometime soon, if i can figure out how to deal with the Angelscript and Qt licenses to avoid getting sued (it's intended to be open source).
If you want any help testing, don't hesitate.
I look forward to seeing the IDE in action :)
I'm not sure about Qt, but the AngelScript license shouldn't be any cause for legal concern. ;) - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game