
Exposing operator function pointer

Started by December 29, 2014 09:13 PM
2 comments, last by WitchLord 10 years, 1 month ago

I was wondering how I would go about registering a function pointer operator like

Object& operator() (void (&func)()) ;

at the moment I have

MYASSERT(e->RegisterObjectMethod(CN, CN+" &opCall()(void (&func)())", asMETHODPR(Object, operator(), (void(&func)()), Object&), asCALL_THISCALL) >= 0);

I am getting these errors

System function (1, 24)
ERROR:  : 
Expected '<end of file>'
Has Compile Errors: True

System function (1, 24)
ERROR:  : 
Instead found '('
Has Compile Errors: True

 (0, 0)
ERROR:  : 
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'Object' and 'Object &opCall()(void (&func)())' (Code: -10)
Has Compile Errors: True

Are you certain you want to expose this function to the script? A C++ function pointer is not compatible with the script function pointers. How do you plan for the script to obtain the C++ function pointer to pass to the operator() method in the first place?

Anyway, if you really do want to expose it, I suppose you could do something like this:

// First register a type to represent the C++ function pointer
engine->RegisterObjectType("cfunc", sizeof(void (*)()), asOBJ_VALUE | asOBJ_POD | asOBJ_PRIMITIVE); 
// Register the operator() as an opCall method receiving the cfunc type by value
engine->RegisterObjectMethod("MyObj", "MyObj &opCall(cfunc)", asMETHOD(Object, operator(), (void(&func)()), Object&), asCALL_THISCALL);

In the above I'm registering the cfunc as a POD type, but if you really want to expose this method to the script you should probably register it as a non-POD and provide appropriate constructors and assignment operators to guarantee that the function pointer is always valid. Otherwise the script might call the opCall() method with an invalid function pointer and your application will crash (or it might be exploited by malicious users to hack the computer). - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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The object I am exposing takes a function and is a value|pod type, what I wanted to do is pass an angelscript function to the C++ object not the other way around. then the question would that work? I guess I could always just make a proxy between these, send a function in C++ to the object which calls a function in angelscript.

in angelscript what I planned was it would look like

void func(){
  //do operations


and on the C++ side it would just call it as a angelscript function.

It's not REALLY needed but I figured it would be easier than doing

void Function(){
  context calls
  function= "angelscript function here"

in C++ then declare another function in angelscript for the script function call.

Then you want to do the following:

engine->RegisterFuncdef("void CALLBACK()");
engine->RegisterObjectMethod("MyObj", "void opCall(CALLBACK@)", asMETHOD(Object, operator(), (asIScriptFunction*), void), asCALL_THISCALL);

Take a look at this article in the manual for more details.


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