I was wondering how I would go about registering a function pointer operator like
Object& operator() (void (&func)()) ;
at the moment I have
MYASSERT(e->RegisterObjectMethod(CN, CN+" &opCall()(void (&func)())", asMETHODPR(Object, operator(), (void(&func)()), Object&), asCALL_THISCALL) >= 0);
I am getting these errors
System function (1, 24)
Expected '<end of file>'
Has Compile Errors: True
System function (1, 24)
Instead found '('
Has Compile Errors: True
(0, 0)
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'Object' and 'Object &opCall()(void (&func)())' (Code: -10)
Has Compile Errors: True