
Where to find devs?

Started by December 17, 2014 09:48 PM
9 comments, last by Elijah Lucian 9 years, 9 months ago
So I have been looking for places to promote my twitch feed where I take requests from indie game developers and record, edit, and post lines all live for 1-2 hours.

Trouble is, it's very hard to find people interested. I figured since I'm handing out free work that is top quality (no ego, it's just a fact, I am a trained professional and I get paid to do this) I would have a line up out the door... But in reality it ends up being 1 or 2 people in an hour. And that's after almost an hour of promoting on social networks.

Anybody have any tips where I can get the word to people in development that might want to try some voice in their project?

I am not only doing this for self promo, but also because I like to give back to the indie and modding scene! I love the community and I regularly take part in game jams.

Elijah Lucian
Voice Actor & Casting Director

Did you try the projects forum at DeviantArt yet?

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.


Well, for starters... I have no idea what you are trying to offer based on your post. Maybe your problem is clarity in communication?

Well, for starters... I have no idea what you are trying to offer based on your post. Maybe your problem is clarity in communication?

Hear, hear. I didn't follow "I take requests from indie game developers and record, edit, and post lines all live for 1-2 hours," but I think "any tips where I can get the word to people in development that might want to try some voice in their project?" means that Elijah is a voice actor. Since I saw this thread in the Lounge, it was not obvious that we were talking about V.O. work.

So, Elijah, you're asking how to make more producers and audio directors know that you exist. The answer: networking and marketing. You need to go in person to game conferences, IGDA get-togethers, and local business mixers. You need a website and to participate helpfully in game forums like this one.

-- Tom Sloper --

I for one had few problems understanding the original post.

So, Elijah, you're asking how to make more producers and audio directors know that you exist.

That's not what he's saying.

OP is offering to do voice acting by request, for free, for indie game devs in particular. Suppose I were an indie dev who needed a voice actor, but was unable to afford one. I would send OP a request to read some line of dialogue that I need for my game. He would then record himself saying the line, edit it to something usable, and post the recording, while we would all watch him go through this process live on Twitch. Thereafter I could use the recording in my game. OP isn't getting as many requests as he thought he would given the nature of the service and wants to know how to promote himself to people who might make use of it.

I don't have much in the way of advice to offer, just thought I'd post my interpretation since as slayemin pointed out it does seem like something isn't being communicated here.

edit: for clarity biggrin.png

Thank you Oberon, that is precisely what I am doing here.

The issue is finding people to get into my stream and request like 6 lines of text. It's meant for small devs that are like "hey I think voice would be a fun addition to my pet project" Hopefully I am making sense. Been editing my bios and stuff all night and my brain is a bit fried :)

Today's stream went exceptionally well, however. And as Tom mentioned, it just takes a lot of grunt work to get attention to any corner of the industry. I am doing pretty well in that respect when it comes to paid work.. It's this niche of finding enough submissions to keep me busy for a full hour that's puzzling me haha.

For those still unclear here is a blog post kind of summarizing today's stream:

Thanks again for all the recommendations. :)

Elijah Lucian
Voice Actor & Casting Director


You could probably get more "job offers" ( if this is what you are after ) by posting recordings of yourself reading classic stories on YouTube ... or doing your own 'thing' .

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's this niche of finding enough submissions to keep me busy for a full hour that's puzzling me haha.

So it's sort of like a call-in radio show, and you need to have a steady stream of callers.
Keep your Twitch show entertaining enough, and market it too, and there you go.

-- Tom Sloper --

Yeah. I mean I only started a couple weeks ago, but yesterday I gained 11 followers in an hour so I think I'm making pretty good progress. Small beans right now but I think it will happen :)

As for code fox, I actually have an idea that I'm working on like this. I will read flash fiction and compile them into little albums for people to listen to :)

Thanks for the support guys :)

Elijah Lucian
Voice Actor & Casting Director

One thing you could try is advertising on student game dev groups. My old alma mater, for instance, has a game developer's association.

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