
Quadratic tutorials in vb??

Started by November 08, 2001 08:08 PM
8 comments, last by icewulf 23 years, 3 months ago
As a VB programmer (don''t laugh) I wanted a language better than DX. Tried it, hated it, don''t want it. GL seems much better. I''ve followed the ported tutorials, but the quadratic tutorials all turn out like cubes... Is this intentional? One of the reasons for my switch to OpenGL was that a friend of mine told me that spheres were easy to create. Can someone help me?
Neither DirectX nor OpenGL are languages. Spheres are easy to create using GLU, but aren''t that hard with just good old math and vertex arrays. Quaternions have nothing to do with which primitives you render, they just help you choice were to render those primitives.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
Hey icewulf - i once too was a vb programmer, but also heard that delphi was similar but better in many ways. I suggest as soon as you get the time, take a look at it dude, the language is awesome and you''ll be able to get the hang of it in under a week. Great to use for Opengl programming too.

As for your question, in vb (been a long time tho) it should go something like this:

Dim P As PGLUQuadricObj

P = gluNewQuadric

the 16,16 sets the stacks & slices of the sphere.
Ok, I misread this thread, I thought he was saying quaternions where he says quadratics . That''ll teach me to read too quickly. Sorry about that.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
Just a quick note on VB!

I''m a professional programmer ... that''s what pays my wages ... i''m freelance ... i earn good rates! VB has a place in this world, cos it''s reasonably powerful - but more imporantly it doesn''t take long to get an app up and running!

I''m in the process of writing a modelling package in VB - and it''s pretty quick in execution.

I use C/C++ for a game i''m writing - but i still use VB when experimenting with new ideas. And all the associated tools are in VB. WHY? Because it''s easy!

Don''t knock PPL starting out with VB - it''s well worth knowing.

BTW - that wasn''t meant as a knock, nor was it meant to induce a flame war ... but it''s a commercial reality! :-)
Hehe, im not knocking at all, i know for a fact that vb is used professionally in the outside world, but delphi is so similar to vb, yet more practical to use. Im only advising that he try it because ive met so many people that have looked at it and loved it instantly. There are so many more tuts for delphi too, which is helpful.

I still use vb from time to time, i dont bag it because i dont like it, rather speak from experience and frustrations with doing some things with it.
I must say that Delphi is a good language! it''s very easy to learn if you know VB ... but if he''s starting out and he knows VB, then OpenGL is a piece of cake!

for what it''s worth, i nearly adopted Delphi in place of C - it was a hard choice to make, especially when you consider how good the compiler is!
Ok I used to be a VB programmer too - well, I still am to an extent! Got a new VB tutorial to put up on my site soonish on how to create a window using the Win32 API like in C++ - then I''m going to port a couple of NeHe''s tutorials to VB using the new code because it should make things much easier to understand for VB programmers (Just for you icewulf - I''ll port the quadratics tutorial first)

I just want to say "HELL YEAH! F**K D*****X RIGHT UP THE A**!!!"

The only thing VB is really lacking at the moment is support for the OpenGL extensions... I might actually pick up some old projects soonish... I''ve got some wicked stuff on the go I was working on porting the glext C++ headers to a type library for VB OGL developers...

Anyways - yeah... I don''t like Delphi - at all! But it is a very very powerful language and the Borland IDE is very impressive - and of course with Kylix out it is now a cross platform compatible compiler! However, you might as well learn C++ (After all, it was based on Pascal, which as we all know is the language behind delphi). You can get free C++ compilers from all over the place, and if you use VB when you need to write an application, it all works out ok I use VB, C++ and bits of Assembly (Not much!).
Hey icewulf! I got some good news for you, I don''t know how much you''ll give a damn but I went out of my way for you and I have already ported the code and have submitted the port to Jeff!

My port is unique for several reasons. Firstly, it creates a real Win32 window rather than using VB forms. Secondly, the code is as similar to the original NeHe tutorial code as is possibly possible with VB *g*

Just look out for the port in the next update icewulf!!! Trust me - you wont be disappointed! This code is much better for game creation than the original ports.
Well thanks for the help everyone...
I think I''ll change languages when I get summer holidays
TheGib >> I appreciate your help, thx
Be great if you could email your tutorial(s) to me @

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