If I register a global function with a variable parameter type:
string classname(const ?&in)
When my C++ function gets called,
std::string MyClassname(void *ref, int typeId)
asIScriptContext* ctx = asGetActiveContext();
if ( ctx )
return ctx->GetEngine()->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId, true);
return "";
the typeId appears to have asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE already stripped. That is, even though the documentation says, "if the expression is an object handle then the reference will refer to the handle, not the actual object" the typeId appears to be for the object, not the handle.
An example:
class Foo {}
Foo foo;
Foo@ h = @foo;
void main()
print(classname(h)); // prints Foo
When I extended MyClassname to work with dictionary values (so that it prints the underlying type instead of "dictionaryValue", I got a different behavior:
std::string ClassnameGetString(void *ref, int typeId)
asIScriptContext* ctx = asGetActiveContext();
if ( ctx )
const int dictionaryValueTypeId = ctx->GetEngine()->GetTypeIdByDecl("dictionaryValue");
if ( dictionaryValueTypeId != asINVALID_TYPE && dictionaryValueTypeId == typeId )
CScriptDictValue* pScriptDictValue = reinterpret_cast<CScriptDictValue*>(ref);
return ctx->GetEngine()->GetTypeDeclaration(pScriptDictValue->GetTypeId(), true);
return ctx->GetEngine()->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId, true);
return "";
dictionary d;
@d['h'] = h;
print(classname(d['h'])); // prints Foo@
I had to manually strip the objhandle bit(s) in order for the standalone h and the h stored in the dictionary to be 'equal':
std::string ClassnameGetString(void *ref, int typeId)
asIScriptContext* ctx = asGetActiveContext();
if ( ctx )
const int dictionaryValueTypeId = ctx->GetEngine()->GetTypeIdByDecl("dictionaryValue");
if ( dictionaryValueTypeId != asINVALID_TYPE && dictionaryValueTypeId == typeId )
CScriptDictValue* pScriptDictValue = reinterpret_cast<CScriptDictValue*>(ref);
int dictValueActualTypeId = pScriptDictValue->GetTypeId();
dictValueActualTypeId &= ~asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE;
return ctx->GetEngine()->GetTypeDeclaration(dictValueActualTypeId, true);
return ctx->GetEngine()->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId, true);
return "";
Is this expected behavior? Thank you.