I've come up with quite the strange idea in my daily brainstorm/daydream sessions.
It's a fantasy-like game, but based in a post-apocalyptic world.
The earth is flooded from extreme volcanic activity in the Antarctic. Modern human civilization has basically been forgotten.
This is when dragons come onto the scene. I haven't worked out how yet...maybe they are found underground like reign of fire?
These aren't your typical dumb dragons from other stories, these dragons are a advanced telepathic species with technologies eons beyond mankind.
Instead of conquering the humans the use their ability to control human minds to basically sit back and relax and have human kings and queens build up civilizations for the sole purpose of supporting the wealth of their dragon overlords.
Now gameplay is where things become interesting. Players have a dragon for an in game avatar. Dragons are really hard to kill, but they are not immortal. When your dragon dies it is lost forever (permadeath).
When I say hard to kill, I mean it literally. Probably the only way to kill a dragon will be by using another dragon- even then you will have advanced technologies as well as a human army ready to die for you.
Players may play as their dragon, but typically they will mind-control a human for most tasks.
These humans are bred, bought, or enslaved and must be trained over time (think eve-online style training).
Humans die permanently. However, because you can acquire as many as you can afford to feed its not a big loss.
Some aspects of the game will feel slightly RTS-like. Instead of floating in the clouds and looking down, you will mind-control a human and walk among your people dispatching commands in a more hands-on way.
Multiple dragons may rule one human empire (this is like the guild/clan concept). Dragons have telepathy so there will be an in-game world chat as well as your typical guild and tell chat channels.
This is very rough, but what do you think?