Let`s talk here about marketing Steam store page, analytic tools and services that help understand and predict Steam traffic and how to drive greater traffic on the page from WEB and from Steam community.
I recommend you use analytic tools. Build them into dashboards that the marketing and SoCom and similar groups refer to regularly, and operations groups refer to at least daily.
Some analytics events should trigger alerts, ranging from emails to pager alerts and phone calls. Something that makes your 24/7 online game go down deserves a bunch of phone calls even at 3:00 AM. If analytics shows the number of current players drops from 45,000 to 300 over a matter of minutes then dev teams and op teams should likely be called no matter the hour.
Other analytics should be reviewed less often. Running an A/B style marketing campaign you can compare how effective each of the options are, and then change the stuff around. Stats like DAU and MAU are important, as are things like average paying users per day, average payment from paying users per day, as are stats tracking where in the pipeline of sales conversions people are getting stuck. If they put items in the cart but never complete the transaction, you need to know so you can fix the process. If not enough paying players are costing you server resources, you need to know that too.
Other analyitcs are useful for design of future games. Collect them, process them, use them, love them.