Note: The original was "Online Republic" (and some guys cloned it, greatly improving it of course, and that's where they got the eRepublic name) :D
You are looking at it from the wrong angle, I mean, why do you want to associate your game's name with the existing ones? Take a step back to Game Design and think what is the unique part of your game that will differentiate it from the others? Why it is better (might be in subjective way only) than the others?
For example I named my game of this subgenre Europe1300 and moved it to historical setting :) It's obviously superior to eRepublic and others because I have knights and they don't :) And, while it might be not true in absolute sense, a lot of players (history freaks and medieval times freaks) agree it's superior.
Do you really need this theme/period? Maybe go for future? Like "Shadowrun Republic" (if you have the licence, but it might be acquireable) or "Mars Republic" or "Alpha Centauri Republic".
I have doubts (marketing wise) that yet another online republic clone set in modern times could get any attention (or course it might, who knows).