
Name for an MMO (Browser) Game

Started by November 01, 2014 08:49 PM
43 comments, last by Unduli 10 years ago

Hello there o/ ,

As title suggests, I am looking for a name for an MMO game. Game will be based on similar concept of eRepublik (if not heard before, it is a browser game that you play as citizen of a country and can work / train / fight and/or have political / journalist career)

When looking at games in this class, there are examples like eRepublik, vNations, e-Sim and cyberRepublik . But considering the game is actually based on citizen , it might be better idea to emphasize that part but though have no authority to say as a non-native English speaker but word "citizen" is hard to work or concile with imo.

So I am stuck at the moment. Words from my tag cloud (including but not limited to) are

citizen, republic, nation, world, (real) life, simulation, economy, politics, strategy, battle, diplomacy

but they didn't lead me to a good name I can live with. (Actually I thought of SimCitizen which guarantees being sued by Maxis (which is cheap publicity tongue.png ) or SimCiv which means Maxis and Fraxis will sue together :) )

So I'd love to hear your suggestions which might either be from tags or concept (actually I am not big fan of names being too obvious like "Farming Simulator 2014" or so) or in fashion of uniqueishness like Travian.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden

Have you tried combining those words to invent new words? e.g. economacy, strategomacy. Those sound kinda dumb, but you get the idea. Another line of thought is not to consider the explicit setting, but the emotional and mechanical underlying themes, such as fear, hope, risk, deception, greed, selflessness, activism, etc. that may apply to your game. Come up with a list of those underlying ideas and see which ones fit most strongly.


Have you tried combining those words to invent new words? e.g. economacy, strategomacy. Those sound kinda dumb, but you get the idea. Another line of thought is not to consider the explicit setting, but the emotional and mechanical underlying themes, such as fear, hope, risk, deception, greed, selflessness, activism, etc. that may apply to your game. Come up with a list of those underlying ideas and see which ones fit most strongly.

My problem is I am stuck with words Simulation and Citizen, so even if I mention one of sub tags , it won't cover entire game, but got point, thanks for reply.

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden

I think Citizen plays much better in English than you give it credit for. Particularly if you add something after. E.g. CitizenX

There's an old Movie called Citizen Cain, and a lot of Hollywood and TV has played off that a little in the past.

Here are a few more words:






Combining words, look for something that fits with the letter or sound part way through another word.



Although it starts sounding like some kind of medication if you're not careful.


What about latin?

Progress -> Profectus, Processus

Politics -> Respublica

Simulate -> Simulo, Imitor


Maybe I am looking from wrong side , right approach is macro one (world, nation, republic etc) not micro (citizen) , not sure though

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden


Latin works well, since there's a lot of that in law and politics.








I think we need to know more about your theme. Is this a modern country, medieval, fantasy, scifi?

Also, what's the feel? Is it dark, like political intrigue and backstabbing, or more neutral?

The stronger and more distinct thematic elements are, the more fodder you have to draw from in creating a title.

Latin works well, since there's a lot of that in law and politics.








I think we need to know more about your theme. Is this a modern country, medieval, fantasy, scifi?

Also, what's the feel? Is it dark, like political intrigue and backstabbing, or more neutral?

The stronger and more distinct thematic elements are, the more fodder you have to draw from in creating a title.

Its modern and without any theme, actually over 90% of content is user generated. It is more like simulation, a parallel universe

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden

I think Citizen plays much better in English than you give it credit for. Particularly if you add something after. E.g. CitizenX

There's an old Movie called Citizen Cain, and a lot of Hollywood and TV has played off that a little in the past.

Here are a few more words:






Combining words, look for something that fits with the letter or sound part way through another word.



Although it starts sounding like some kind of medication if you're not careful.

State may be game changer but is State similar to Nation/Country? Or is something under them as United States suggests?

Btw, does using iso (equal) as prefix make sense in your opinion?

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden

"State" can be used to mean (more or less) either "country" or "province", I believe.


a politically unified people occupying a definite territory; nation.
the territory, or one of the territories, of a government.
(sometimes initial capital letter) any of the bodies politic which together make up a federal union, as in the United States of America.

Wikipedia goes into more detail here.

(Use of the term "state" can be seen in the name of the game NationStates (TV Tropes link), for example.)

As to "iso", to my mind that feels somewhat technical--it brings to mind thoughts of measures and standards.

As a suggestion, what about "Citizen of the State"?


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

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