I had an idea recently: Is it possible, with a reasonable accuracy to estimate how many copies a particular game sold according to its steam reviews?
The starting point would be comparing the copies sold (on pc/steam) vs. the number of steam reviews. This would be done for games which developers had released their sale numbers. And since i think (i might be wrong) that the number of people that review the game they bought on steam is quite the same across any title/genre or "fame" (but thats just and assumption on my side), i think it could be used and then projected on games that didnt release any sale numbers.
For example The Vanishing of Ethan Carter sold around 60 000 copies, around 46200 were on steam, steam reviews are 1538, that means that around 3,33% of players who bought the game wrote a review. I made additional calculations with different numbers from different games (those i know the sale numbers from developers) and came with the average of around 2% players that bought the game wrote a review, but thats based only on few games (6 i think), and sometimes i wasnt really sure if the number the developer released applies only to game (without platform specificity), only to pc, only to digital distribution, only to steam... I tried my best and the average number i got was around 2%. Do you think its a good way to "guess" the sales? Anybody thought about this before?