Servant of the Lord: Wow another usefull info, thanks, i was going to ask about that also (how many steam keys can i get free from steam (for game review sites for example)). Great info, thanks.
By the way, im not sure if the:
""Q: If my game is accepted through Steam Greenlight, can I give my previous customers keys for the Steam version?
A: Once your game is accepted for distribution on Steam, we will give you as many keys for your game as you want at no cost.""
Applies even for sales of your game on your own website... I simply have hard time believing that since i didnt come across this in any other industry so far, i always thought that they take something as well, but maybe only 10% (instead of 30%), because its still a game and traffic on their server and thus their cost, lets say (theoretically) that you sell 1 000 000 copies from your own website, but none or only few thousands on steam, so steam has only small revenue (if he lets you with 100% from your own site), but still has to enable 1 000 000 copies to be downloaded and played etc. even though he get 1 milion "new" steam owners who might buy other game from steam...
Also do not forget that there are a lot of studios (at least i think so, i so some of them) that doesnt allow you to buy their game through their website (they dont have even any "shop section", instead they will refer you to steam. I dont really see a reason for this in 2014, because i belive to code such thing onto your website isnt that expensive these day, but still they do not do that...
For example
And i belive there are other such studios...
So simply put, can additional people confirm that steam enables you to take the full revenue (100%) from your (steam) game sale THROUGH your OWN WEBSITE? The more people that could confirm that, the more reliable that information becomes.