Hello, my name is Oliver, just turned 18 years old in september.
I am currently looking up all the crucial parts of becoming an accepted 3D artist.
I have so many questions that are not software related, but they're mainly about
the game industry.
1. What is expected of me once I get accepted to join a development team? Do they
expect me to know everything about 3D and Game engines, and how the people there work together?
Or do I get to learn along the way?
2. What is crucial to learn to become an accepted 3D artist?
After my new computer arrives, and my right hand is in good shape (broke it), I have a goal. In one year,
I will sharpen my skills in Maya (hardsurface modeling, no sculpt), Photoshop (handpaint and photorealistic texuring w/tile),
aswell as learning how to import models into the UDK Engine, make custom ground/terrain texutures but most of all learn how
to set up a scene with content made completely by me. Once I've learned that, I can make good looking
scenes to put into a Portfolio wich will hopefully lead towards a paid career. That is my goal.