Sure :)
Overall, the mood I look for is of a huge bureaucratic empire (100-200 planets owned by the player/empire). All these planets are posessions of the empire (so no world names like "protectorate" which will be used for aliens who agreed to pay the tribute). These worlds have different grades (the names I look for) which describe how advanced/developed is the world compared to other worlds in the empire and how far from the center (capital world with thge imperial throne) the planet is (core vs frontier). Also, I don't exactly strive for a heavy technological mood, more like bureaucracy, governors appointed by the emperor, too many planets for the emperor to control them directly, court cliques/factions, maybe even slightly feudal (but only slightly), the imperial senate.
Technically & ideally I would need:
- some outpost that holds only supply depots but no civilians or industry
- colony/settlement, something that just stared and barely can be called a real world
- world that is far away from the center, some frontier one
- frontier standard developed world (developed but far away and therefore with poor communication with the capital)
- core standard developed world (in a reasonable distance from the capital planet, core world)
- important world (like a sector administration center)
- very important world (like the second capital, max 5 of these total)
- the imperial capital (only one)
Provincial Planet (I like that it indicates clearly that it's "less important planet", provincial, not core/central).
District Planet
Possession (althrogh it's a claim to a planet)
Minor world
Major world
Occupied world (but there are too many "world" types of names, kind of confusing...)
Socialized Planet
Imperialized Planet
Capitol planet / Capital (there can be only one, you start with it)
Production Center (too technical)
Protectorate, Dependency, Mandate (political name, not a world that belongs to the empire already)
Stronghold (sound military like, not like a civilian planet)
Capitalized planet