
A twist on RTS/Moba games

Started by October 19, 2014 03:58 AM
3 comments, last by sunandshadow 10 years, 3 months ago

My initial goal was to make a RTS similar to starcraft 2, but have the easy to learn, hard to master style gameplay, instead of the frustrating learning curve that Sc2 gives you, Instead I might have created a new sub-genre by accident. Here's how it works.

At the start of the game, you have a base, workers to produce buildings, and 5 units. You have one "hero" (that's what I'm calling it for now) and 4 less powerful units, that you will pick at the beginning of the game, like a pick/ban phase. There will be a very limited number of hero's, but a wide variety of smaller units.

You generate economy by killing a wide variety of jungle camps, and when you kill said jungle camp you gain access to a mine, which you constantly are mining via an invisible mine shaft. These camps also might generate buffs, depending on how large the camps are. The map has 3 lanes and has turrets like normal, but instead of the normal spawning of minions, you have to build a minion spawner and also choose what kind of minions you'd like and how many of each. For example, each wave could produce 3 melee minions, 3 caster minions, and 1 siege minion, like in most MOBA's, but you'd have to have a steady supply of income to make sure you could keep up with the demand.

Your workers can produce buildings, armory, ammunition bay, ect. (names might change when I have a clear theme for the game). Your hero and smaller units do not level up, rather get upgrades for new abilities, stats, ect.

That's all I've really got a clear idea on, any comments on this would be highly appreciated, I am a new designer and nothing will hurt my feelings. If its a terrible idea, tell me. I've been studying game strategies and design ever since Star wars battlefront 2, so I have an idea of what I'm doing but no real formal training, just me with a journal. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.

Well, you game idea sounds too complex, combining too many ideas. A moba is one of the few game I would call easy-to-learn/hard-to-master, therefor take a step back and analyse what makes a moba easy to play (you control only one char !) and what makes it hard to master (skill,timing, strategically decisions !).

Ignore "whether you have a new subgenre", everything is a little like something else and a little different. Plus, you have nothing until you have a playable game.

Sounds vaguely like Herzog Zwei, or DOTA, or LoL.. RTS with a hero unit.

I think the complexity of RTS comes from controlling multiple units, and the simplicity of DOTA/MOBA comes from *not* controlling multiple units.

Producing buildings with workers sounds complex to do in teams. However, the concept is not terrible. Would have to play it and see.

How are you going to go from concept to reality?
Agree with Dave. I would also focus on the motivations of your design. Why do you want 5 units instead of 1? Instead of 500? What do you hope to improve upon over other MOBA's out there? Why might someone who enjoys Starcraft enjoy your game more?

This makes me think of Overlord II, though I think that would technically be an action-tactical RPG, not a MOBA or RTS.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

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