My initial goal was to make a RTS similar to starcraft 2, but have the easy to learn, hard to master style gameplay, instead of the frustrating learning curve that Sc2 gives you, Instead I might have created a new sub-genre by accident. Here's how it works.
At the start of the game, you have a base, workers to produce buildings, and 5 units. You have one "hero" (that's what I'm calling it for now) and 4 less powerful units, that you will pick at the beginning of the game, like a pick/ban phase. There will be a very limited number of hero's, but a wide variety of smaller units.
You generate economy by killing a wide variety of jungle camps, and when you kill said jungle camp you gain access to a mine, which you constantly are mining via an invisible mine shaft. These camps also might generate buffs, depending on how large the camps are. The map has 3 lanes and has turrets like normal, but instead of the normal spawning of minions, you have to build a minion spawner and also choose what kind of minions you'd like and how many of each. For example, each wave could produce 3 melee minions, 3 caster minions, and 1 siege minion, like in most MOBA's, but you'd have to have a steady supply of income to make sure you could keep up with the demand.
Your workers can produce buildings, armory, ammunition bay, ect. (names might change when I have a clear theme for the game). Your hero and smaller units do not level up, rather get upgrades for new abilities, stats, ect.
That's all I've really got a clear idea on, any comments on this would be highly appreciated, I am a new designer and nothing will hurt my feelings. If its a terrible idea, tell me. I've been studying game strategies and design ever since Star wars battlefront 2, so I have an idea of what I'm doing but no real formal training, just me with a journal. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.