Hey there. Im a member of a MMO where a constant, repetitive activity will put you into the Top Ten of all time.
Right off the bat, this sounds like an easy project, doesn't it?
-It probably might be pretty easy to program... but i have NO idea how to do these things, so that's why I'm hiring YOU.
The game is turn-based.
You can use the radar (button in the bottom left) to scan for fuel (your health supply) and special equipments.
As previously mentioned, fuel is your health supply, every shot you and action you take reduces your fuel.
Shooting another tank yields a certain amount of points (from 50-250 points!)
Some of the top players have over 10,000,000+ points!
The game features four teams (red team, orange, purple, and blue)
Each team has nine robot players that have predictable ability and can reinforce your team.
When you run out of fuel, you are 'deactivated' and go down in rank.
The Program I am asking for requires the specific capabilities:
- The ability to refuel when fuel reaches a certain level (300 gallons per se)
- The ability to search use the radar button to collect special equipments
- The ability to effectively 'farm' the enemy robot players by shooting them to deactivation endlessly.
- The ability to use the 'Map' button to teleport to certain locations for refueling, equipment search, or bot-killing.
Please message me and/or email me at ABryant9000@yahoo.com
You will be paid for the production of this program.