I was thinking about the 3DS's puzzle swap and how cool would it be to give only 1 person a certain piece, and then track the spread of that piece over time. Naturally, I started thinking about how awesome it would be for a player to watch something they designed spread over the world, and I wondered what sort of game would be able to do that. The best idea I had is spreading a virus, either computer or biological, through every streetpass.
That brings me to actually designing the gameplay. Because the game needs to resolve who wins and infects the other player's 3DS within a single streetpass, a player's role in the game is limited to preparing their defense and offense (somehow), but they can't influence the result beyond that (this is what I am referring to as fully asynchronous gameplay- let me know if there's another name for it.)
I can't think of any other games that have this type of gameplay, but can you think of a game that had it (or something similar), and what they did well/poorly?
The closest games I can think of are the multiplayer tower defense games, where a lot of the work is done between rounds to choose which units to send and which towers to build. Other games with similarities are CCG's, where a large part of the game is how well you build your deck. The problem there is that watching two AI play your deck isn't going to be very engaging. A last type of game that I can think of are those like The Castle Doctrine/The Might Quest for Epic Loot, where you build up defenses and then have no further say in what they do. These games (especially TCD) offer the rewarding type of defense building that I'd like, but their "offense" relies entirely on player input.