
The Week of awesome II - The judge Thread!

Started by September 29, 2014 05:02 AM
175 comments, last by dmatter 10 years, 3 months ago

Alright folks here it is, I've finished compiling all the judges scores, and we have our official winners!
First off, i'd like to give a special shoutout to stormynature for his generous donation to this years prize pool, and the moral support he has shown to this competition over this week, he has been absolutely top notch! i'd also like to once again thank lactose orymus3 and 0sok for there donations to the prize pool, without them we might not have seen such a large turn out for this years, so thank you to these fine folks. I'd also like to toss a thank you out to our judging team alleightup, swiftcoder, and Orymus3. As well our fifth judge Aurioch has been absent since the end of the competition, and I hope whatever has kept him away is merely personally issues, and not anything that is life threatening.

So with that out of the way, let's get to the final results:
1st place Team: Phil_t with 90 points.
2nd place Team: Grey Army(ServantOfTheLord) with 85 points.
3rd place Team: AzureBlaze with 80 points.
4th place Team: Orymus3 And JackOatley with 79 points. (note that Orymus3 will not be receiving any prizes because he is a judge.)
5th place team: dmatter with 76 points.

For the rest of the rankings:
Team: Phil_t - 90
Team: Grey Army - ServantOfTheLord(and artist!) 85
Team: AzureBlaze - 80
Team: Orymus3 - 79
Team: JackOatley - 79
Team: dmatter - 76
Team: Cefleet - 75
Team: EyaID - 74
Team: Mussi - 74
Team: Opifex - 73
Team: mousetail - 72
Team: Lootheo - 71
Team: stu_pidd_cow: 71
Team: Moonlit House - Line - 71
Team: Technogoth - 70
Team: "Still Flying" - Eck, Laurie, Kaylee- 70
Team: Endurion - 70
Team: sketche99 - 68
Team: CaféCrew - 67
Team: RenegadeNinjaNL - 65
Team: thesikaoz - 62
Team: TBA - TheMasterRat, Will - 62
Team: Slaughterhouse Gaming - Riuthamus, Bytetroll, mgoss - 62
Team: Thaumaturge - 61
Team: Shadowisadog - 60
Team: Herd of Nerd - doboss, sugavacanea, makokvak - 58
Team: Ryan20fun - 55
Team: sethhope - 53
Team: JeoffreyS - 53
Team: Rocket Powered Operatives - Latch, sugavanus, Robert - 53
Team: el_juan - 50
Team: Erik Rufelt - 47
Team: Xai - 40
Team: Multiparadigme - 38

Please remember that all category's are averaged together and rounded to the nearest whole number to give a final score, and not all final scores averaged together, this works in favor for most all competitors to squeeze out an extra point or 2. The following is a compacted form of all the scoring category's with each judge's score next to the category(the first post will be updated with this same format):


Note judges scores are |all8up|swiftcoder|Orymus3|slicer4ever|

sorry about the code tag, it was the only way i could preserve the formatting.

Note judges scores are |all8up|swiftcoder|Orymus3|slicer4ever|

Team: Orymus3:
Game Link:
Game: Delivery
Archive Link: /Delivery/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 18/25 |18|15|-|20|
Graphics: 17/20 |17|15|-|18|
Theme:    18/20 |18|20|-|15|
Audio:    06/10 |6 |3 |-|8 |
UX:       06/10 |4 |7 |-|6 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|-|10|
Judges:   04/05 |4 |2 |-|5 |
Overall:  79    |77|72|-|82|

Team: Cefleet:
Game: The life of a bear
Game Link:
Archive Link: Web based game, follow game link
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 15/25 |15|15|13.5|18|
Graphics: 13/20 |10|12|16  |15|
Theme:    19/20 |17|20|17  |20|
Audio:    08/10 |7 |10|5   |8 |
UX:       06/10 |6 |7 |5   |7 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9   |10|
Judges:   04/05 |3 |4 |5   |3 |
Overall:  75    |68|78|70.5|81|

Team: Technogoth:
Game: The last toy in the box
Game Link:
Archive Link: Web based game, follow game link
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 17/25 |10|12|21|25|
Graphics: 12/20 |10|8 |16|13|
Theme:    18/20 |10|20|20|20|
Audio:    06/10 |3 |8 |7 | 7|
UX:       07/10 |4 |8 |8 | 6|
Part:     06/10 |6 |6 |6 | 6|
Judges:   04/05 |2 |4 |3 | 5|
Overall:  70    |45|66|81|82|

Team: dmatter:
Game: Save my toys
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Save my toys/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 19/25 |20|20|15  |22|
Graphics: 14/20 |18|5 |13  |18|
Theme:    13/20 |18|10|10  |15|
Audio:    08/10 |9 |8 |6   |10|
UX:       08/10 |8 |7 |6.5 |10|
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9   |10|
Judges:   04/05 |4 |3 |4   |3 |
Overall:  76    |87|63|63.5|88|

Team: "Still Flying" - Eck, Laurie, Kaylee:
Game: Toys GI
Game Link:
Archive Folder /ToysGI/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 17/25 |18|9 |22  |20|
Graphics: 14/20 |15|8 |16  |15|
Theme:    13/20 |17|3 |16  |16|
Audio:    07/10 |7 |4 |9   |7 |
UX:       06/10 |6 |3 |7   |7 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|10  |10|
Judges:   03/05 |3 |1 |4.5 |5 |
Overall:  70    |76|38|84.5|80|

Team: Ryan20fun:
Game: Toy Mission
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Toy Mission/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 12/25 |20|10|4 |15|
Graphics: 14/20 |18|15|10|12|
Theme:    06/20 |15|0 |5 |5 |
Audio:    06/10 |8 |3 |4 |7 |
UX:       04/10 |7 |2 |2 |5 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9 |10|
Judges:   03/05 |3 |4 |1 |2 |
Overall:  55    |81|44|35|56|

Team: Lootheo:
Game: The Night of the Living Toys
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Living Toys/
Platform: windows

Gameplay: 14/25 |20|10|11.5|15|
Graphics: 17/20 |18|12|16  |20|
Theme:    15/20 |19|15|15  |10|
Audio:    08/10 |9 |6 |8.5 |10|
UX:       06/10 |4 |5 |8.5 |6 |
Part:     07/10 |7 |7 |5   |7 |
Judges:   04/05 |4 |2 |4   |4 |
Overall:  71    |81|57|68.5|72|

Team: thesikaoz:
Game: Action Average Joe
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /AAJ/
Platform: Flashplayer

Gameplay: 13/25 |20|5 |8   |18|
Graphics: 11/20 |15|5 |11  |13|
Theme:    11/20 |17|8 |5   |15|
Audio:    07/10 |8 |7 |4   |8 |
UX:       07/10 |5 |5 |7   |10|
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9   |10|
Judges:   03/05 |4 |1 |2.5 |4 |
Overall:  62    |79|41|46.5|78|

Team: Endurion
Game: Building Blocks
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /BuildingBlocks/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 17/25 |20|15|13  |20|
Graphics: 14/20 |15|10|12  |17|
Theme:    13/20 |18|10|10  |15|
Audio:    07/10 |7 |4 |6   |10|
UX:       05/10 |4 |4 |4   |7 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9   |10|
Judges:   04/05 |4 |3 |3.5 |5 |
Overall:  70    |78|56|57.5|84|

Team: AzureBlaze:
Game: Your Soul Alone
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /ursa/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 19/25 |19|20|17  |18|
Graphics: 17/20 |18|15|18  |15|
Theme:    17/20 |15|20|17  |17|
Audio:    08/10 |5 |9 |7.5 |10|
UX:       06/10 |7 |5 |7   |4 |
Part:     09/10 |9 |9 |8   |9 |
Judges:   04/05 |2 |5 |4   |3 |
Overall:  80    |75|83|78.5|76|

Team: RenegadeNinjaNL:
Game: Toys in space
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Toys in space/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 16/25 |20|10|13|22|
Graphics: 15/20 |17|10|14|20|
Theme:    09/20 |15|5 |7 |10|
Audio:    08/10 |8 |6 |7 |10|
UX:       07/10 |7 |5 |7 |7 |
Part:     07/10 |7 |7 |7 |7 |
Judges:   03/05 |4 |0 |2 |5 |
Overall:  65    |78|43|57|81|

Team: Thaumaturge:
Game: Darkholm
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /darkholm/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 13/25 |17|5 |13 |18|
Graphics: 12/20 |13|5 |13 |15|
Theme:    10/20 |12|0 |14 |15|
Audio:    06/10 |6 |3 |8.5|8 |
UX:       07/10 |6 |8 |7  |7 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|10 |10|
Judges:   03/05 |3 |1 |4.5|3 |
Overall:  61    |67|32|70 |76|

Team: mousetail:
Game: Toy Crush
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /toycrush/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 18/25 |20|15|15 |20|
Graphics: 13/20 |15|8 |14 |13|
Theme:    15/20 |18|15|13 |15|
Audio:    07/10 |8 |6 |6  |8 |
UX:       07/10 |8 |5 |7.5|8 |
Part:     09/10 |9 |9 |8  |9 |
Judges:   03/05 |4 |2 |2.5|4 |
Overall:  72    |82|60|66 |77|

Team: Multiparadigme:
Game: XOON
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /XOON/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 11/25 |16|8 |10|10|
Graphics: 10/20 |15|5 |10|10|
Theme:    09/20 |15|5 |9 |5 |
Audio:    00/10 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
UX:       04/10 |5 |2 |4 |5 |
Part:     03/10 |3 |3 |3 |3 |
Judges:   01/05 |2 |1 |1 |0 |
Overall:  38    |56|24|37|33|

Team: CaféCrew - 0sok, Bohee, And girlfriend:
Game: Recolor Me
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /RecolorMe/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25 |18|4 |15 |22|
Graphics: 15/20 |17|7 |16 |18|
Theme:    13/20 |15|5 |16 |15|
Audio:    06/10 |8 |3 |5  |6 |
UX:       05/10 |5 |2 |6.5|7 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|10 |10|
Judges:   03/05 |3 |0 |3.5|4 |
Overall:  67    |76|31|72 |82|

Team: EyaID:
Game: Shelves The Game
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Shelves/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 16/25 |17|12|15  |20|
Graphics: 14/20 |15|8 |13  |18|
Theme:    17/20 |18|20|17  |13|
Audio:    07/10 |5 |5 |7   |10|
UX:       09/10 |7 |10|9   |10|
Part:     07/10 |7 |7 |7   |7 |
Judges:   04/05 |3 |3 |3.5 |5 |
Overall:  74    |72|65|71.5|83|


Team: JackOatley:
Game: Mindfield
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /mindfield/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 19/25 |17|23|17  |18|
Graphics: 18/20 |15|20|18.5|20|
Theme:    12/20 |10|20|7   |12|
Audio:    08/10 |7 |10|5   |10|
UX:       08/10 |7 |10|7   |7 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9   |10|
Judges:   04/05 |3 |5 |2.5 |5 |
Overall:  79    |69|98|66  |82|

Team: Shadowisadog:
Game: TeddyStein
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Teddystein/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25 |18|12|12 |18|
Graphics: 12/20 |16|7 |12 |13|
Theme:    11/20 |17|5 |8  |15|
Audio:    06/10 |8 |3 |6.5|7 |
UX:       06/10 |7 |1 |7  |8 |
Part:     07/10 |7 |7 |6  |7 |
Judges:   03/05 |4 |1 |1.5|4 |
Overall:  60    |77|36|53 |72|

Team: sketche99:
Game: Missing Marble
Game Link:
Archive Folder: Unity web game
Platform: Unity webplayer

Gameplay: 16/25 |22|10|10  |20|
Graphics: 17/20 |19|15|16  |16|
Theme:    12/20 |18|10|9   |12|
Audio:    08/10 |9 |7 |4   |10|
UX:       07/10 |6 |8 |4   |8 |
Part:     05/10 |5 |5 |5   |5 |
Judges:   03/05 |5 |1 |3.5 |4 |
Overall:  68    |84|56|51.5|75|

Team: Team Opifex - Garrett Hoofman:
Game: Ultimate Bro-Down
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Ultimate BroDown/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 16/25 |20|12|12  |20|
Graphics: 16/20 |18|15|17  |15|
Theme:    18/20 |18|15|17.5|20|
Audio:    06/10 |5 |5 |5   |8 |
UX:       05/10 |8 |5 |3   |5 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9   |10|
Judges:   02/05 |4 |0 |3   |0 |
Overall:  73    |83|62|66.5|78|

Team: Phil_t:
Game: When it's dark
Game Link:
unity webplayer:
Archive Folder: /When it's dark/
Platform: Unity player, windows

Gameplay: 21/25 |17|20|22.5|23|
Graphics: 18/20 |20|15|17  |20|
Theme:    20/20 |20|20|19  |20|
Audio:    08/10 |8 |5 |8.5 |10|
UX:       09/10 |9 |7 |9   |10|
Part:     10/10 |10|10|10  |10|
Judges:   04/05 |4 |4 |4   |5 |
Overall:  90    |88|81|90  |98|

Team: stu_pidd_cow:
Game: Little Jimmy
Game Link:
unity webplayer:
Archive Folder: /LittleJimmy/
Platform: Unity player, windows

Gameplay: 14/25 |15|10|12.5|18|
Graphics: 15/20 |16|12|15.5|15|
Theme:    19/20 |20|20|17  |17|
Audio:    05/10 |5 |2 |7.5 |5 |
UX:       05/10 |6 |4 |5   |6 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9   |10|
Judges:   03/05 |3 |1 |2   |4 |
Overall:  71    |75|59|68.5|75|

Team: sethhope:
Game: Toys of the Night
Game Link:
Archive folder: /Toys of the Night/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 12/25 |15|10|6 |15|
Graphics: 10/20 |15|8 |6 |10|
Theme:    14/20 |18|15|7 |15|
Audio:    06/10 |7 |7 |4 |7 |
UX:       05/10 |6 |3 |4 |6 |
Part:     04/10 |4 |4 |4 |4 |
Judges:   02/05 |3 |2 |1 |3 |
Overall:  53    |68|49|32|60|

Team: TBA - TheMasterRat, Will:
Game: Atlas of Extinction
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Atlas/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 18/25 |18|15|14  |25|
Graphics: 11/20 |12|10|13  |10|
Theme:    08/20 |10|5 |12  |5 |
Audio:    07/10 |7 |6 |4   |10|
UX:       06/10 |4 |6 |7.5 |5 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9   |10|
Judges:   02/05 |2 |0 |2   |5 |
Overall:  62    |63|52|61.5|70|

Team: Moonlit House - Line:
Game: The toys are alive
Game Link:
Archive Folder: Web based game
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 12/25 |14|15|8 |10|
Graphics: 17/20 |20|15|16|15|
Theme:    16/20 |12|20|18|15|
Audio:    08/10 |9 |8 |4 |10|
UX:       06/10 |5 |5 |3 |10|
Part:     09/10 |9 |9 |9 |9 |
Judges:   03/05 |2 |3 |2 |4 |
Overall:  71    |71|75|60|73|

Team: JeoffreyS:
Game: Escape From The Toy Tower
Game Link:
Archive Folder: Web Based game
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 14/25 |16|10|12  |18|
Graphics: 10/20 |10|4 |8   |17|
Theme:    12/20 |16|5 |10  |15|
Audio:    06/10 |6 |5 |4   |7 |
UX:       06/10 |3 |4 |9   |7 |
Part:     02/10 |2 |2 |2   |2 |
Judges:   03/05 |3 |2 |2.5 |5 |
Overall:  53    |56|32|47.5|71|

Team: Grey Army - Servant of the Lord(and artist!):
Game: Grey Army
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /GreyArmy/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25 |20|20|21  |20|
Graphics: 17/20 |17|18|18  |15|
Theme:    17/20 |18|20|14.5|15|
Audio:    09/10 |8 |10|7   |10|
UX:       07/10 |7 |8 |7   |4 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|10  |10|
Judges:   05/05 |4 |5 |4   |5 |
Overall:  85    |84|91|81.5|79|

Team: Slaughterhouse Gaming - Riuthamus, Bytetroll, Goss:
Game: The Harvest
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /TheHarvest/
Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac

Gameplay: 16/25 |17|15|10|20|
Graphics: 19/20 |18|20|17|20|
Theme:    03/20 |10|0 |0 |0 |
Audio:    06/10 |5 |8 |3 |8 |
UX:       06/10 |8 |9 |0 |7 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|10|10|
Judges:   02/05 |3 |3 |0 |3 |
Overall:  62    |71|65|40|68|

Team: el_juan
Game: Docent (not 100% sure)
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /docent/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 11/25 |15|15|3 |10|
Graphics: 10/20 |12|5 |12|12|
Theme:    16/20 |15|20|15|15|
Audio:    00/10 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
UX:       04/10 |4 |6 |5 |2 |
Part:     08/10 |8 |8 |7 |8 |
Judges:   01/05 |2 |1 |1 |0 |
Overall:  50    |56|55|43|47|

Team: Xai
Game: Santa clause and the dark order
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /SatDO/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 11/25 |15|5 |5 |20|
Graphics: 05/20 |10|3 |3 |5 |
Theme:    05/20 |10|0 |4 |5 |
Audio:    05/10 |5 |3 |5 |5 |
UX:       04/10 |4 |1 |4 |6 |
Part:     08/10 |8 |8 |7 |8 |
Judges:   02/5  |2 |0 |1 |5 |
Overall:  40    |54|20|29|54|

Team: Erik Rufelt
Game: Timmys toys
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Timmys toys/
Platform: windows

Gameplay: 13/25 |10|18|8 |15|
Graphics: 09/20 |10|8 |3 |13|
Theme:    15/20 |18|15|12|15|
Audio:    00/10 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
UX:       05/10 |4 |5 |5 |4 |
Part:     02/10 |2 |2 |3 |2 |
Judges:   03/05 |2 |3 |1 |5 |
Overall:  47    |46|51|32|54|

Team: Mussi
Game: Diorama
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Diorama/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 17/25 |20|15|13  |20|
Graphics: 17/20 |18|20|16  |15|
Theme:    15/20 |18|20|13  |10|
Audio:    06/10 |8 |9 |3   |5 |
UX:       06/10 |8 |6 |5   |6 |
Part:     10/10 |10|10|9   |10|
Judges:   03/05 |4 |4 |2.5 |3 |
Overall:  74    |86|84|61.5|69|

Team: Herd of Nerd - doboss, supervacanea, makokvak:
Game: The Older Rolls - Toys are Alive!
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /The Older Rolls/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25 |14|15|10|20|
Graphics: 14/20 |14|15|12|15|
Theme:    09/20 |12|5 |8 |10|
Audio:    06/10 |2 |8 |5 |7 |
UX:       04/10 |2 |5 |3 |6 |
Part:     07/10 |7 |7 |7 |7 |
Judges:   03/05 |2 |2 |2 |5 |
Overall:  58    |53|57|47|70|

Team: Rocket Powered Operatives - Latch, sugavanus, Robert
Game: The toys are alive
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /ToysAreAlive/
Platform: windows

Gameplay: 11/25 |15|13|7  |10|
Graphics: 14/20 |15|12|13 |15|
Theme:    08/20 |10|5 |5  |10|
Audio:    06/10 |6 |5 |5.5|7 |
UX:       05/10 |6 |4 |3  |5 |
Part:     07/10 |7 |7 |7  |7 |
Judges:   02/05 |2 |1 |2.5|3 |
Overall:  53    |61|47|43 |57|


Individual judge scoring and feedback can be found below:


I’ve endeavoured to write a short review of each entry, to give some background as to the score. Loosely speaking, you’ve been judged according to the following criteria, in this order:

can I figure out how to play it?
do the controls enable me to succeed?
is it fun?
does it make good use of the theme?
do the graphics, audio and UI actually increase enjoyment of the game?

I’ve used the judges scoring category largely to provide bonuses to the games I enjoyed playing, somewhat regardless of the other categorisations.

If a few of the reviews come across a little harsh, don’t take it to heart. To have delivered a working game in such a short time frame is an accomplishment in and of itself, and the criticisms here are intended to offer some idea as to where the experience could be improved.


Team: Orymus3:
Game Link:
Game: Delivery
Archive Link: /Delivery/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 3/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 72

I love the concept of this game, but the game itself is incredibly hard, due at least in part to the odd feel of the driving dynamics. The car doesn’t turn very fast, doesn’t have sufficient friction with the ground, and worst of all, it keeps turning for a long time after I release the key. Clean, simple graphics are a big plus. Engine sounds rapidly become annoying. Might have been better to reduce the volume of the idle sounds, and/or offset it with some ambient soundtrack. You hit the theme very nicely, and the integration of the story in the game world was a nice touch.


Team: Cefleet:
Game: The life of a bear
Game Link:
Archive Link: Web based game, follow game link
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 12/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 10/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 78

Cut scenes are very well done, with the music and colour palette conveying emotion very clearly. In-game graphics are crisp and clear, though it’s not always clear what is in the background versus collidable foreground elements. Movement could benefit from refinement, as the player avatar moves much faster diagonally than straight. The UI is very intuitive, and generally works well with the style of game, but the second time I accidentally triggered a long conversation, I was left mashing the space bar in a futile attempt to escape. The puzzle is solid, it took me several minutes to figure out the first step, and became easier from there. I don’t however see much opportunity to scale the gameplay to further levels - there is only so far that one can scale the key-door-key-door style of fetch quest. Overall this is a solid entry with a very polished feel.


Team: Technogoth:
Game: The last toy in the box
Game Link:
Archive Link: Web based game, follow game link
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 12/25
Graphics: 8/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 8/10
Part: 6/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 66

I’d like to say for the record that I truly detest the genre of ‘delay games’, and had the ‘fast play’ option not been present, reviewing it would have been a chore. That said, the concept is well executed, the fragments of story are intriguing, and I can see potential for a fleshed out variation of the game. The cursor indicating that an action is already in progress is not entirely obvious, and I spent the first few turns clicking around expecting actions to be able to run in parallel, but apart from that the UI is clear and easily comprehended. The art style meshes decently with the theme, though I’m left unsure whether I’m assigning too much intent to what may simply be quote-unquote “programmer art”. The music sets the tone rather well, especially when combined with the colour scheme, though I would have loved if the various environments had musical cues.

Team: dmatter:
Game: Save my toys
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Save my toys/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 5/20
Theme: 10/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 63

Lemmings meets physics puzzle. Solid gameplay mechanic, nice pace of additions to the basic formula keeps the player engaged. Would have loved the addition of a short ‘setup phase’ to each level, but the zero-cost level restarts mostly mitigates that concern. Graphically this entry is pretty indifferent to my mind, but the audio was jaunty and didn’t cause me to hit mute within the first few levels. Sound effects on spawn and bounce were effective. Theme fit reasonably well, but didn’t play a large element in the game.

Team: "Still Flying" - Eck, Laurie, Kaylee:
Game: Toys GI
Game Link:
Archive Folder /ToysGI/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 9/25
Graphics: 8/20
Theme: 3/20
Audio: 4/10
UX: 3/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 1/5
Overall: 38

Game is ambitious, but ultimately doesn’t play terribly well. Despite the fairly low-fo nature of the graphics, running on a 1080p monitor the game feels the need to constantly scroll back and forth across the battlefield. The difference between a movement and an attack command is not really clear, nor are the relative damage/armour/range values of the units, and the show stats option tends to obscure many of the units in play. I won my first engagement largely by luck, but I found it rather tedious. Audio cues are reminiscent of warcraft.

Team: Ryan20fun:
Game: Toy Mission
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Toy Mission/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 10/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 0/20
Audio: 3/10
UX: 2/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 44

Having played through the available levels and read the documentation, I’m left with a vague feeling that I don’t really understand what I was meant to be accomplishing. The psychedelic colour palette, trippy 8-bit music, wonky physics set the scene to a confusing experience. Having been forced to navigate a maze of subdirectories in order to both find the executable, and once again to consult the documentation in order to decode the UI sufficiently to begin the level, I am finally ready to play. I traverse a colourful landscape (gloriously bereft of anti-aliasing), and upon reaching a vertical slab, virtually indistinguishable from the vertical slabs which have come before, I am transported instantaneously to another, subtly different landscape. Meanwhile, the theme is, sadly, nowhere to be seen.

Team: Lootheo:
Game: The Night of the Living Toys
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Living Toys/
Platform: windows

Gameplay: 10/25
Graphics: 12/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 6/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 57

I had to dial my mouse sensitivity way down to navigate the game, and even then it felt as if the camera was very twitchy. Lack of any sort of ray or tracer bullet visualisation made it extremely hard to tell if I was hitting a particular toy, and thus very frustrating when a toy would stay alive after multiple shots. Restart dialog tended to be dismissed immediately, as I’d be madly clicking in an attempt to salvage my game when the dialog appeared.

Team: thesikaoz:
Game: Action Average Joe
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /AAJ/
Platform: Flashplayer

Gameplay: 5/25
Graphics: 5/20
Theme: 8/20
Audio: 7/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 1/5
Overall: 41

First off, what is with the buttons from Mac OS classic? Game looked like a platformer, felt like a platformer, almost tasted like a platformer… Until I discovered that as soon as I tried to move around, goblins would sail right past me and kill off the princess. I ended up wedging my character next to the princess and madly mashing the ‘X’ key, which sufficed to increase my highscore a couple of times. Every now and then the powerup would respawn, my character would change colour, and I’d start to kill goblins in a single hit. But apart from that brief and recurrent interlude, my game consisted of button mashing in place.

Team: Endurion
Game: Building Blocks
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /BuildingBlocks/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 10/20
Theme: 10/20
Audio: 4/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 56

More lemmings! I like lemmings. Bricks and stairs make for easy building blocks (haha), although it did take me a little while to decode how to reverse the stairs (double-click or right-click might be more intuitive). Pacing of the game is a little slow, even with the fast-forward option. Early levels are extremely easy. Audio cues quickly become annoying.

Team: AzureBlaze:
Game: Your Soul Alone
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /ursa/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 9/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 9/10
Judges: 5/5
Overall: 83

Solid blend of platformer and puzzles, challenging but not punishing. Would have love to see a couple more levels to flesh out the possibilities in the mechanics - while the story is cute, it doesn’t ultimately add that much to the game. Audio is a positive, graphical style is fun, theme is there in spades. The UI is somewhat confusing, I wasn’t sure I was looking at a level selection screen until the intro returned me there.

Team: RenegadeNinjaNL:
Game: Toys in space
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Toys in space/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 10/25
Graphics: 10/20
Theme: 5/20
Audio: 6/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 0/5
Overall: 43

I’m flying a spaceship which requires a minimum of 3 crew to operate, and lacking said crew, I’m forced to run back and forth between crew stations. The only problem being, that the toys and enemies are constantly scrolling by, and my avatar walks pretty slowly, and gets hung up on every possible edge due to the collision detection. The fact that the guns function like turrets does mean that I can survive a long time just by shooting everything in sight, but transitioning to the cockpit or magnet station in order to pickup toys is an exercise in frustration. Theme is not terribly integral to the game, and it would have been beneficial to include the instructions on the title screen. Bonus points for a unique concept, but this one needs a little more thought.

Team: Thaumaturge:
Game: Darkholm
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /darkholm/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 5/25
Graphics: 5/20
Theme: 0/20
Audio: 3/10
UX: 8/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 1/5
Overall: 32

I never made it far enough to discover how toys integrated into this, as I kept being massacred over and over again by headless ghosts and something that looks like a cross between a chainsaw and a wood-chipper (not to mention to the holes in the floor). I flailed away madly with my wooden plank, but either I wasn’t able to aim it precisely enough to hit the enemies, or it wasn’t doing any damage, and I couldn’t tell which. The graphics and audio reminds me of the early 2000’s, when Ambrosia’s Coldstone RPG toolkit was all the rage.

Team: mousetail:
Game: Toy Crush
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /toycrush/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 8/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 6/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 9/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 60

Core mechanic is straightforward, but the cannon doesn’t really seem to respect the laws of physics, which makes it hard to judge the trajectory of the shots. some enemies move brutally fast, which seems to hasten the player’s inevitable demise. The theme is well represented, and jaunty music sets the tone, despite the cut-and-paste sprites.

Team: Multiparadigme:
Game: XOON
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /XOON/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 8/25
Graphics: 5/20
Theme: 5/20
Audio: 0/10
UX: 2/10
Part: 3/10
Judges: 1/5
Overall: 24

Shmup! Unfortunately, the drifty nature of the movement controls, combined with the on/off toggle behaviour of the trigger, and the multitude of friendly targets scattered across the battlefield, make this somewhat less enjoyable than it should rightfully be. The UI has a tendency to leave you hanging in screens with no visual feedback as to when it might deign to progress to the next screen, no sign of audio, and the theme is not terribly integral to the game.

Team: CaféCrew - 0sok, Bohee, And girlfriend:
Game: Recolor Me
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /RecolorMe/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 4/25
Graphics: 7/20
Theme: 5/20
Audio: 3/10
UX: 2/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 0/5
Overall: 31

I literally have no idea how to play this game. After 10 minutes, I’ve yet to manage to pass over the first set of spikes, despite collecting several spinning coloured circles, and the tantalising sight of the exit, just out of reach. Button mashing, to no avail. Sliding long jump, to no avail. Repeatedly falling through the phantom block in the centre of the level, to no avail. I’m sure I’m missing some essential mechanic, but the lack of documentation or a tutorial leaves me frustrated.

Team: EyaID:
Game: Shelves The Game
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Shelves/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 12/25
Graphics: 8/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 10/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 65

Thank god, a tutorial! Gameplay is straightforward, although juggling mouse buttons to switch the flashlight rapidly on and off feels like a very unnatural motion. Infection spreads rapidly in sudden death mode, resulting in my not playing for very long before being overrun.

Team: JackOatley:
Game: Mindfield
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /mindfield/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 23/25
Graphics: 20/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 10/10
UX: 10/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 5/5
Overall: 98

This game is very engaging, and a tad disturbing. I wasn’t sure as the game progressed whether I was playing as an insane person about to start a nuclear war, or as the victim of an interdimensional toy invasion. Having finished the game, I’m still not sure. Great use of retro graphics and sound, interesting take on the theme. Controls are a little touchy - I fell into the water several times trying to jump while running, perhaps the timing is a little too precise.

Team: Shadowisadog:
Game: TeddyStein
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Teddystein/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 12/25
Graphics: 7/20
Theme: 5/20
Audio: 3/10
UX: 1/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 1/5
Overall: 36

As a top down shooter, this one is pretty hard. The pistol fires slowly, it seems to take multiple rounds to kill the enemies, and they have a nasty tendency to rush you when you get close, passing through doors as if they did not exist.

Team: sketche99:
Game: Missing Marble
Game Link:
Archive Folder: Unity web game
Platform: Unity webplayer

Gameplay: 10/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 10/20
Audio: 7/10
UX: 8/10
Part: 5/10
Judges: 1/5
Overall: 56

I appreciate the nod to classic driving games which is apparent in the art style, low-fi music and the spin animation when you hit a bomb. I wasn’t able to pass the first level despite several attempts, as the driving dynamics are rather twitchy, and the level timer is extremely short. I didn’t really get a deep sense of the theme, as the setting felt a little arbitrary - you could substitute a moon buggy and craters, and the game would be just the same. Music was upbeat, even chirpy, but became annoying by the third 30 second playthrough.

Team: Team Opifex - Garrett Hoofman:
Game: Ultimate Bro-Down
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Ultimate BroDown/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 12/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 0/5
Overall: 62

This is another of those games where I’m not quite sure what it going on. I see many spawns, I select a class, I run around and get killed by things. I think I’m also killing things, but it’s hard to tell, except that my counter is ticking down slower than the other guy’s. The graphics and animations are cute, and fit wellwith the theme, and the audio is upbeat.

Team: Phil_t:
Game: When it's dark
Game Link:
unity webplayer:
Archive Folder: /When it's dark/
Platform: Unity player, windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 81

I actually managed to complete the first level without understanding any of the game mechanics - it strikes me that the first level is too simple to teach the player much of anything. The mechanics were very easy to discover in the next two levels, so it’s not a real negative. The mechanic of the toys only moving when the lights are out is very clever, and fits very nicely with the theme. I did expect the game to be a lot more sinister when I discovered the mechanic, though, since it seems tailor-made for a horror game, and both the sounds and the colour palette also seem more fitting for the horror genre. I felt some sort of ambient soundtrack or music was missing, and would have helped set the tone of the game. The art, while simple, appears very polished. Once you get the hang of the mechanics the game plays a little slowly, in part because the bears move very slowly, but also because the player avatar has an unfortunate tendency to run right past the switch you are trying to position him in front of.

Team: stu_pidd_cow:
Game: Little Jimmy
Game Link:
unity webplayer:
Archive Folder: /LittleJimmy/
Platform: Unity player, windows

Gameplay: 10/25
Graphics: 12/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 2/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 1/5
Overall: 59

I was able to make it several levels in before the laugh track drove me to mute the sound, which wasn’t much of a loss, as the sound isn’t related to the gameplay in any way, nor is the music setting much of a tone. Art crisp and clean, does a good job of conveying an open play space in each level. Where there isn’t actually open space, the collision detection is a little janky, as Jimmy gaily ignores all the obstacles placed in the player’s path. The gameplay is easy to pick up and understand, but doesn’t noticeably increase in either difficulty or complexity as the game progresses. Thematically the game delivers, especially with Jimmy’s tendency to rampage and destroy toys whenever he catches sight of them moving.

Team: sethhope:
Game: Toys of the Night
Game Link:
Archive folder: /Toys of the Night/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 10/25
Graphics: 8/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 7/10
UX: 3/10
Part: 4/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 49

The music nicely sets a tone of mild panic as toys close in on in the dark. Controls are a little strange, given that the horizontal movement always overrides the vertical movement, making it very hard to travel diagonally while looking either up or down. The main menu existing in the world is a nice concept, but rather confusing, as quickly reading multiple signs causes their text to be overlaid on one another. The code lock at the end of the first room has no real documentation, and the order in which you have to enter the code is not intuitive.

Team: TBA - TheMasterRat, Will:
Game: Atlas of Extinction
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Atlas/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 10/20
Theme: 5/20
Audio: 6/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 0/5
Overall: 52

Interesting game mechanic, melee combat is somewhat confusing, doesn’t really tie into the theme. Music is loud, UI is usable although not terribly pretty.

Team: Moonlit House - Line:
Game: The toys are alive
Game Link:
Archive Folder: Web based game
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 9/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 75

The art is very well drawn, and fits well with both the theme and the ‘missing object’ gameplay. Good use of voices. The game isn’t very deep at this point, but I could see a series of these levels, perhaps with some element of randomness thrown in, making for a fun distraction.

Team: JeoffreyS:
Game: Escape From The Toy Tower
Game Link:
Archive Folder: Web Based game
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 10/25
Graphics: 4/20
Theme: 5/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 2/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 32

Procedurally generated levels help offset the extremely low-fi graphics and sound. Mute option is appreciated, as the soundtrack becomes repetitive very quickly. The rage timers on the enemies charges very quickly, and once enraged they move very fast relative to the number of shots required to kill them, both of which combine to make this pretty damn difficult. The theme is largely not represented here, as the sprites are hard to identify as toys, and the core mechanics (charging and shooting) don’t really have any relation to the setting.

Team: Grey Army - Servant of the Lord(and artist!):
Game: Grey Army
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /GreyArmy/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 18/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 10/10
UX: 8/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 5/5
Overall: 91

Attrition-based ‘fire first’ tactics, well put together. Controls are a little odd in that I seem to need to click a mouse each time I want to fire at something (i.e. last mouse doesn’t stay selected), and my mice have a tendency to charge towards the enemy on their own, breaking my carefully laid-out formation. Solid use of theme, audio is spot on. UX is not polished, but functions well.

Team: Slaughterhouse Gaming - Riuthamus, Bytetroll, Goss:
Game: The Harvest
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /TheHarvest/
Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 20/20
Theme: 0/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 9/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 65

Great work on the visuals and simulation aspects. The world is gorgeous, complete with day/night cycle, and there appears to be a fairly complete farming simulator in here. I managed to break rocks with the hammer, clear weeds with the scythe, and till plots of land with the hoe. I think I even managed to spread corn on the aforementioned plots of land, but the corn counter never went down, and after several days the corn still hadn’t grown, so I’m not really sure. Buildings were interesting, but appeared to serve no useful purpose. Audio vaguely reminiscent of early 2000’s RPGs. Theme nowhere to be found.

Team: el_juan
Game: Docent (not 100% sure)
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /docent/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 5/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 0/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 8/10
Judges: 1/5
Overall: 55

A few children wandered into the room, to bounce from toy to toy, but they quickly started to teleport, and then became stuck, and finally no more children appeared. The toys however started randomly wandering around generating hearts with each other, which was mildly disconcerting, and became seriously weird when I realised that they were in fact cross-breeding to evolve other, mutant toys. I couldn’t really figure out the goal, except insofar as the title screen described it, and I certainly wasn’t able to attain said goal. Points for theme, no sign of audio.

Team: Xai
Game: Santa clause and the dark order
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /SatDO/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 5/25
Graphics: 3/20
Theme: 0/20
Audio: 3/10
UX: 1/10
Part: 8/10
Judges: 0/5
Overall: 20

Ship has very little friction and no brakes, so actually hitting things is an exercise in frustration. Only game mechanic present is ramming things.

Team: Erik Rufelt
Game: Timmys toys
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Timmys toys/
Platform: windows

Gameplay: 18/25
Graphics: 8/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 0/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 2/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 51

Robot construction tower defense. Straightforward, for the most part, I can see potential for future expansion. Limited set of parts, sockets and enemies is the major issue at this point. Doesn’t seem to be anything stopping one from building an infinitely tall killing machine. Also no win or loss conditions that I can discern. Meets the theme requirements, no audio.

Team: Mussi
Game: Diorama
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Diorama/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 20/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 9/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 84

Block-themed platformer with an added dimension. The ability to move along the Z axis is a nice touch, could add considerable depth to later puzzles. Sadly I never progressed very far, as the character’s tendency to overshoot everything made jumping along staggered rows of posts more than a little challenging. Graphics are top notch, good use of the theme in level construction, and pleasant audio.

Team: Herd of Nerd - doboss, supervacanea, makokvak:
Game: The Older Rolls - Toys are Alive!
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /The Older Rolls/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 5/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 57

Nice use of retro graphics. Brawler mechanic is tricky, mostly because there is very little feedback when you are close to death. Conversations tricky as the text labels disappear when you get too close. Audio solid, not much sign of the theme.

Team: Rocket Powered Operatives - Latch, sugavanus, Robert
Game: The toys are alive
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /ToysAreAlive/
Platform: windows

Gameplay: 13/25
Graphics: 12/20
Theme: 5/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 1/5
Overall: 47

Graphics are solid, if a tad generic. It is very strange to have the camera and trigger assigned to the mouse, but not to be able to aim with the mouse. Result is that it is quite hard to hit enemies, if they aren’t kind enough to line themselves up with your direction of travel. No feedback when dealing damage to the enemies. Theme is present, but not clearly integrated.

Orymus3 has opted to place his scores inside of a journal post you can find here:

I've opted to place my scores inside of a journal post you can find here:


Team: Orymus3:
Game Link:
Game: Delivery
Archive Link: /Delivery/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 18/25
Graphics: 17/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 6/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 77

Matchbox car on tables.

Team: Cefleet:
Game: The life of a bear
Game Link:
Archive Link: Web based game, follow game link
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 10/20
Theme: 17/20
Audio: 7/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 68

Web based avoid human/feed dog etc.

Team: Technogoth:
Game: The last toy in the box
Game Link:
Archive Link: Web based game, follow game link
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 10/25
Graphics: 10/20
Theme: 10/20
Audio: 3/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 6/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 45

Stats quest?

Team: dmatter:
Game: Save my toys
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Save my toys/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 18/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 9/10
UX: 8/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 87

Lemmings kinda, though flying.

Team: "Still Flying" - Eck, Laurie, Kaylee:
Game: Toys GI
Game Link:
Archive Folder /ToysGI/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 18/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 17/20
Audio: 7/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 76

The oddball strategy game. Kinda neat.

Team: Ryan20fun:
Game: Toy Mission
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Toy Mission/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 18/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 81

Marble madness kinda.

Team: Lootheo:
Game: The Night of the Living Toys
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Living Toys/
Platform: windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 18/20
Theme: 19/20
Audio: 9/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 81

Shoot the moving toys.

Team: thesikaoz:
Game: Action Average Joe
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /AAJ/
Platform: Flashplayer

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 17/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 79

Mario toys.

Team: Endurion
Game: Building Blocks
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /BuildingBlocks/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 7/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 78

Lemmings style.

Team: AzureBlaze:
Game: Your Soul Alone
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /ursa/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 19/25
Graphics: 18/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 9/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 75

Interesting platformer and puzzle game with unique twists.

Team: RenegadeNinjaNL:
Game: Toys in space
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Toys in space/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 17/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 78

Oddball space invader type thing.

Team: Thaumaturge:
Game: Darkholm
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /darkholm/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 17/25
Graphics: 13/20
Theme: 12/20
Audio: 6/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 67

Adventure thing..

Team: mousetail:
Game: Toy Crush
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /toycrush/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 8/10
Part: 9/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 82

Fun toy cannon thingy.

Team: Multiparadigme:
Game: XOON
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /XOON/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 16/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 0/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 3/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 56

Defender style, hung alot though.

Team: CaféCrew - 0sok, Bohee, And girlfriend:
Game: Recolor Me
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /RecolorMe/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 18/25
Graphics: 17/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 76

Interesting platformer/puzzle concept.

Team: EyaID:
Game: Shelves The Game
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Shelves/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 17/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 72

Flashlight whack a mole.

Team: JackOatley:
Game: Mindfield
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /mindfield/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 17/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 10/20
Audio: 7/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 69

Adventure thing.

Team: Shadowisadog:
Game: TeddyStein
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Teddystein/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 18/25
Graphics: 16/20
Theme: 17/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 77

Robotron - Teddybear style.

Team: sketche99:
Game: Missing Marble
Game Link:
Archive Folder: Unity web game
Platform: Unity webplayer

Gameplay: 22/25
Graphics: 19/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 9/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 5/10
Judges: 5/5
Overall: 84

Fun little racer game.

Team: Team Opifex - Garrett Hoofman:
Game: Ultimate Bro-Down
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Ultimate BroDown/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 18/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 8/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 83

Smash brothers or some such thing.

Team: Phil_t:
Game: When it's dark
Game Link:
unity webplayer:
Archive Folder: /When it's dark/
Platform: Unity player, windows

Gameplay: 17/25
Graphics: 20/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 9/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 88

Fun little oddball puzzle game.

Team: stu_pidd_cow:
Game: Little Jimmy
Game Link:
unity webplayer:
Archive Folder: /LittleJimmy/
Platform: Unity player, windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 16/20
Theme: 20/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 75

F'in annoying baby laugh... Doesn't seem to have a point.

Team: sethhope:
Game: Toys of the Night
Game Link:
Archive folder: /Toys of the Night/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 7/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 4/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 68

Kinda stealth like toys sneak up when not lit thingy..

Team: TBA - TheMasterRat, Will:
Game: Atlas of Extinction
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Atlas/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 18/25
Graphics: 12/20
Theme: 10/20
Audio: 7/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 63

Weird toy crab thing that you can upgrade.

Team: Moonlit House - Line:
Game: The toys are alive
Game Link:
Archive Folder: Web based game
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 14/25
Graphics: 20/20
Theme: 12/20
Audio: 9/10
UX: 5/10
Part: 9/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 71

Simple simon memory game, only one test.

Team: JeoffreyS:
Game: Escape From The Toy Tower
Game Link:
Archive Folder: Web Based game
Platform: Web

Gameplay: 16/25
Graphics: 10/20
Theme: 16/20
Audio: 6/10
UX: 3/10
Part: 2/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 56

Painfully hard. Flappy bird?

Team: Grey Army - Servant of the Lord(and artist!):
Game: Grey Army
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /GreyArmy/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 17/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 7/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 84

Mice vs soldiers. Fun strategy thing.

Team: Slaughterhouse Gaming - Riuthamus, Bytetroll, Goss:
Game: The Harvest
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /TheHarvest/
Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac

Gameplay: 17/25
Graphics: 18/20
Theme: 10/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 8/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 3/5
Overall: 71

Not sure what it is really, main character moves nicely though.

Team: el_juan
Game: Docent (not 100% sure)
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /docent/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 12/20
Theme: 15/20
Audio: 0/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 8/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 56

Not really sure what this is supposed to be, kinda puzzle like and odd for sure..

Team: Xai
Game: Santa clause and the dark order
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /SatDO/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 10/20
Theme: 10/20
Audio: 5/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 8/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 54

Seemed incomplete and wasn't sure where the toys were. Kinda star castle like.

Team: Erik Rufelt
Game: Timmys toys
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Timmys toys/
Platform: windows

Gameplay: 10/25
Graphics: 10/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 0/10
UX: 4/10
Part: 2/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 46

Tower defense type thing.

Team: Mussi
Game: Diorama
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /Diorama/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 20/25
Graphics: 18/20
Theme: 18/20
Audio: 8/10
UX: 8/10
Part: 10/10
Judges: 4/5
Overall: 86

Bear on blocks platformer/puzzler. Would be considerably better with shadows, but fun already.

Team: Herd of Nerd - doboss, supervacanea, makokvak:
Game: The Older Rolls - Toys are Alive!
Game Link:
Archive Folder: /The Older Rolls/
Platform: Windows

Gameplay: 14/25
Graphics: 14/20
Theme: 12/20
Audio: 2/10
UX: 2/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 53

Strange FPS tree's and pigmies thing.

Team: Rocket Powered Operatives - Latch, sugavanus, Robert
Game: The toys are alive
Game Link: [url=]
Archive Folder: /ToysAreAlive/
Platform: windows

Gameplay: 15/25
Graphics: 15/20
Theme: 10/20
Audio: 6/10
UX: 6/10
Part: 7/10
Judges: 2/5
Overall: 61

Strange FPS robot thing. Controls were rough.

Congratulations to our winners, i will be contacting you shortly on how you wish to handle prize distribution. Also thank you to all our contestants who have competed this year, it means alot to see so many people working together on this, and I hope to see you all again next year. As for my own post mortem, i'll see if i can whip something up over the next couple of days.

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Congrats everyone! My scores were right around where I thought they would be except for the random 31. Swiftcoder, Mouse 1 shoots the paintball (I believe this was in the readme) and it was shown in one of my blog updates. I know the competition is over but give ReColorMe one more try! smile.png


Ah, and there, the results are in--I can breathe a sigh in release.

Congratulations and well done to the winners! ^_^

I did... rather worse than I'd hoped, to be honest. :/

The judges do make good points in their criticism of my entry, I will say (especially in that there were some serious gameplay issues); for one thing, it would likely have benefited from having had a mid-competition release, even if that was just a single room with one enemy type. One way or another, thank you to all of the judges for your critiques.

Ah well, that puts paid to my thoughts of creating a "version two" of my game--but perhaps I should keep focus on my main project in any case.


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Wow, thanks guys! Celesol and myself were expecting 5th or 6th place based on the incredawesome things everyone else was submitting - our scoring honestly caught us by surprise. wacko.png

Congrats to Phil_t and AzureBlaze; and really anyone who managed to submit an entry in as short a time as one week. blink.png

And thanks @ the judges and sponsors for hosting the contest.

Thanks to slicer4ever for putting this together and all the judges' hard work! I'm truly honored I got first prize. I played nearly all the other entries - I think Mindfield was my favorite (I have a soft spot for that kind of game), and I just played Your Soul Alone for the first time today (not sure why I didn't get to it before) - I didn't finish it, but I enjoyed what I did play.

In response to some of Swiftcoder's criticism of When Its Dark

I did expect the game to be a lot more sinister when I discovered the mechanic, though, since it seems tailor-made for a horror game, and both the sounds and the colour palette also seem more fitting for the horror genre.

I definitely had ideas for more sinister elements where the main character could get killed, but ran out of time to implement these mechanics. I figured I'd polish up and expand on the mechanics I already had.

I felt some sort of ambient soundtrack or music was missing, and would have helped set the tone of the game.

Hmm, was the audio not working for you? The audio was very useful for knowing how far the bear(s) had walked, and the music alternated between a spooky drone when dark, and a "deceptive happy" atmosphere when the lights were on.

Once you get the hang of the mechanics the game plays a little slowly, in part because the bears move very slowly,

That was one of my main concerns with my game too. It could feel a bit tedious, and I've been thinking about how I could alleviate that (besides just speeding it up) if I decide to expand on it and add more mechanics. Perhaps the lights should come back on after one "time period", so you could quickly dial in how many steps you want things to move. I would also like to have some kind of rewind functionality as you can get into impossible to solve situations, which could be annoying in larger levels.

And from Orymus3:

Game is sadly too short, but I'm sure the dev has plans to complete it! It says trial version, and I found myself pondering whether I'd buy this game.

"trial version" is actually from the Unity engine, as I'm using the 30-day trial of Unity Pro :-).

That said, based on feedback I've gotten, there's a good chance I'll continue work on this game, and perhaps release it in the wild :-).

I'm very surprised to finish 8th, I never imagined to be that high up on the rankings!

I played the other entries and honestly thought to myself that i couldn't compete with them, I am truly thankful for your work, dedication and opinion.

Congrats to all the winners - great games each one of them, and so are the rest of the games.

Thanks a lot to any body who took part and made it happen.

I really feel that i gained a lot of experience from this week, i will obviously attend any future GameJam!

and maybe i'll continue working on my game just to add what i planned from the beginning and polish some stuff..,


Great work to all once again and congratulations to the winners :)

Thanks to all the judges for taking the time to play and review our games!

I must say that I'm overall not surprised about my score, we never had a real artist and we had so much content squeezed in a week that we didn't have time to polish or balance the game ;)

There's something I'm deceived though :

The theme.


For our game, we decided to see the theme in a more abstract way as play things to someone, not necessarily "toys" that moves.

I'm a bit deceived that this was highly criticized about our game being almost completely off the theme and thus, lost huge chunks of points.

I mean, if we had drawn bears and toy soldier parts we would have won free points?

/cry over

Interesting game mechanic, melee combat is somewhat confusing, doesn’t really tie into the theme. Music is loud, UI is usable although not terribly pretty.

Thanks, we were aiming for some uniqueness in the game mechanics but generally the game is not polished enough which ripped out a lot of it's core fun.

I foresaw the music being annoying to some and there is a mute button :)

A lot of borrowing, and relatively simple to implement in Unity.

I guess you didn't like the game much... We'll do better next time

This game was pretty damn fun game, i loved going around beating up the other creature things, and the difficulty ramp of the game gets to be pretty insane(the final arena puts three of the most powerful guys in a circle around you when you start, barely managed to escape alive). The fact that the game doesn't reset your creation is a great touch, and the mix and match style of parts is fun to find something that you like to use. overall i settled for a more speedy guy that had a tiny bit of armor and decently strong arms. After awhile though, i had to start to resort to exploitative tactics to actually beat the game, shooting the enemy's before i was in range for them to respond being the biggest offense i committed. still i think there is heavy potential in this type of game, and it was pretty enjoyable being in a cage match style game. I hope TheMasterRat and Will well give thought to continuing this project.

Thanks for the great feedback! I'm happy you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed making it! I put a lot of effort into the bioweapon customization! We lacked serious polishing/balancing time at the end so we rushed a workable game with levels in a day while removing some features we had worked on ( debuffs, buffs, multi-weapons). *lesson learned*

We are continuing the development of the game, I'll post some news on my blog if you're interested!

Weird toy crab thing that you can upgrade.

Gotta love the crabs!

I'm generally happy with the game itself and how it turned out!

Thanks again to all the judges!

Congrats everyone! My scores were right around where I thought they would be except for the random 31. Swiftcoder, Mouse 1 shoots the paintball (I believe this was in the readme) and it was shown in one of my blog updates. I know the competition is over but give ReColorMe one more try! :)

I'm going to be honest, i very nearly asked swift to re-review your game, out of all the judged entries, that one stuck out as extremly weird. However i deceided that asking him to re-review your entry on those grounds would be unfair to other entrys that received more negative scores due to the judge not being able to fully figure things out, so in the end i deceided to leave it as it was.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

dmatter brought to my attention that I reviewed game with faulty sound hardware/software.

I doubt that would change the current standing, but there's a chance I might have judge audio more harshly for some people depending on the audio engine they were using (simply because the sfx would've been muted, but not the music).

This has the be the strangest audio issues I've ever had, and the timing was simply unfortunate. My apologies to all contestants for which this applies :(

On a quick aside

I've made a v2.00 of the game... since everybody was complaining that it was too hard (and rightfully so that the controls were a bit unresponsive), I've modified the controls slightly and re-exported it.

In case someone REALLY wants to live through that nightmare once again ;)

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