

Started by September 22, 2014 08:22 PM
0 comments, last by Tom Sloper 10 years, 5 months ago
Hi I would like to start by introducing myself, My name is James am 27 year old had been studying game design when 3 years through my course I saw that there was a game development course and after seeing a friend working on it decided ok I want to switch my course to development. So I have been doing the game dev course for the last 6 months and want to know the best way to go about getting into a work placement in Scotland prefer Glasgow but any help me great.

I have been working on a little project of my own and would like if guys could give me some feedback would really appreciate it and thanks in future for anyone who does so! So far everything in the game I have done myself sprite animations etc but [recruiting language deleted by moderator].But let me give you guys a link and short idea of what game is gona be about!

Link :

Ok so heading home from school and planning to play some of your favourite survival after you get your self some food to complete your gaming session. But just as you sit down at your computer desk switch computer on launch the game and just as you hit the start but you see this huge flash and crash and before you know everything black you dont know where you are. But you feel this sudden shock and you feel like you are materializing right there on spot but wait this aint your home no more! "Ugh What um WHERE AM I!" Unsure of where you are you start looking about for some clue to where you are! suddenly giant mechnical fly bugs weird mechanical creature "WTF where am I" with a huge mr hankie in your pants your first thought are to find somewhere to hid out and survive!"
Psyber, please don't recruit teammates in this forum - that's what the Classifieds are for.
You mentioned a question about work placement? Use the Game Industry Job Advice forum for job questions.
As for the game feedback part of your question, I assume you're looking for game design feedback - so I'm moving this to the Game Design forum. The For Beginners forum is for questions about learning programming, choosing engines, and so forth.
Good luck with your endeavors.

-- Tom Sloper --

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