Hi All,
I can't imagine that I landed into the industry 7 months ago, I'm an EE 27 Egyptian, migrated to Austria,.. just working right now in a company that is doing 3d sports games, I managed to get a new title to be published and put my name there, I solved lots of bugs and I did contribute.. the team is really strong, we are only 5 people, including two one server side, and other who is gui programmer and very psycho, inpatient, irritating all of us.
Unfortunately, I did some of the stuff with him, but 3 days ago I did couple of mistakes, which let him go mad and escalated it in front of everyone :(, just two bugs, where I put an additional break and another in loading a dictionary... At the end of the published title, I found a big for him that is found, that was exploding the database, and I stayed two days to know why it happens, did a lot of debugging on device with no debuggers,..etc and the manager appreciated that, but I never escalated that.
I also found a big for that is done by someone who was at rockstar, and nividia, the same bug he did too, and didn't harm the game last year.. but I found it for him.... but nobody found it
yesterday found also a bug with null pointer, with another experienced guy, and considered as a senior... I'm not employed as a senior btw..
Now after the above incident of that guy escalating it, the manager is treating me very differently, and they looking for CVs and interviewing others..
I'm now very depressed and very anxious about if they are gonna replace me.. or maybe add to the team another one, am not sure and very worried and that destroys my weekend :(