
Teaching player the controls

Started by September 05, 2014 07:09 PM
10 comments, last by JonathanLyons 10 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the responses!

Forgot to check on onto thread.

I did some "time calculation" and noticed that i was wasting too much to onto this issue.

Instead i did simple screen with animations and text explaining what to do. First time this "screen" takes 12 seconds, afterwards "Click to continue" appears. All other times, "Click to continue" will always be there.

I'll attempt one simple thing, make a "trailer" where my finger actions are visible, and hope that players will watch that first.

I think it might be a poor idea to allow the user to control the character with the centre of the screen, given that this will result in them being unable to tell what is happening due to their hand obscuring the screen. I'd strongly consider limiting the touchable area to the outskirts, otherwise you're just reinforcing their preconceived ideas by giving positive feedback in the centre.

I like this thought. Limiting player to specific area sounds like a plan... until players become advanced enough :D

I would try to avoid tutorials as much as possible, if you use them try to add fun elements.

Making good tutorials is hard, but important, you don't want to lose casual players because of poor tutorials

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